Chapter 22

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" Let me help you " said Nathan and then I heard the door of the car being opened and closed and then car door on my side was open and felt a hand kept on my hand . 

" Hold on " said Nathan and helped me out of the car and held my waist .

" Wheel chair " I heard Stephen's voice and heard noise of wheels . 

" Sit " said Nathan and helped me in sitting . 

I was taken back by this gesture of Nathan but decided to go with the flow . I felt being pushed forward. 

" Sil " I heard Julian voice and then I was hugged . 

I hugged him back and patted his back . 

" Let her come in " I heard Dad say . 

Julian pulled out of the hug and pecked my forehead . I guessed that I have entered the house and felt a smile forming on my lips this house was more home to me then my own home . 

" Nina , we are so happy to see you back here . You will use the room downstairs " I heard Dad say . 

" Ok " I said . 

" Let me take you there " I heard Dad say . 

" Dad I can take her " I heard Nathan say . 

" Nina you decide who do you want to take you to the room ?" I heard Dad asked .

" Dad " I said .

The I felt a pat on my shoulder , It was Dad and then was pushed ahead . 

" We have reached , let me help you to the bed " said Dad .

" Thank you Dad " I said . Dad helped me to the bed and I laid down on the bed . 

" I am so happy to see you here . I didn't know my son was well versed with the law also " said Dad .

" I also don't know what's going on ? Dad did Nathan tell you related to Cara ?" I asked as I doubted that Nathan had heard the conversation . 

" No , why was he supposed to talk regarding that girl ?" asked Dad . 

" Dad , I think she needs rest "I heard a familiar voice of Nathan . 

" Yes , dear you take rest I will send Mrs. Gray here she will help you " said Dad . 

" Ok " I said  and closed my eyes when I felt someone sitting on the bed .

" Who is it ?" I asked .

" Nathan " I heard him say . 

" Why are you here Nathan ? What do you want ?" I asked . 

"This is my house , I can be anywhere I want and no I don't want anything " He said . 

" I don't understand Nathan . I gave you your freedom but still you want me to stay with you . We both know that there was no need for this 3 months thing " I said . 

" And what if I don't want this freedom from you ?" He asked . 

" Nathan, we both know how much you love Cara . I don't want to barge in it and I know even in this 3 months you and Cara will be together then what's the point . Nathan I am tired of this " I said . 

" No I will not meet her in this 3 months . Nina you told me once that you love me till the end What happened to that ?" He asked . 

" Nathan  I do love you but " I said but Nathan cut me off .

" But what ? Nina tell me this ,  thing your so called plan were you going to continue it even when you heard the conversation ?" He asked . 

My doubt was right . He heard the conversation , I knew it because when Stephen said he will play it I heard the door open and no one would have come back so fast except the person who had just left and then his decision of not signing the paper . 

" What tell me ?" He asked again . 

" No , I was not going to continue it because she was planning to harm Dad and Julian and you " I said and felt tears forming in my eyes . I was again weak infront of his eyes . 

" What was your plan Nina ?" He asked . 

Hope you like this chappie . Let me know your views . 

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Love ,


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