Chapter 29

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Nathan's POV

I decided to knock on the door, but was stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and it was Dad.

" Son, are you ok?" He asked with eyes filled with worry.

" Yes, dad, why would I be sad?" I asked.

" About our fight and about, you know?" asked Dad and pointed to the door.

" Dad, I am fine," I said, turning to open the door, when the door was opened by Stephen.

" Hello, Mr. Hastings" said Stephen and smiled.

" Thanks Man, for coming this late,"said Julian.

It was late, It was half past 12 am. And I didn't realise that so many things happened just in a day. Like bringing Nina back home, Talk with Julian, My dinner date with Cara which I left in mid way, James visiting Nina, Nina and her cute plan of getting me back, Nina and Stephen's plan and Nina saying I love you to  Stephen. 

"I would have come for my Nina, even it was dawn" said Stephen, bringing me back from my thoughts and was smirking looking at me. Again, that My Nina thing. I swear hearing that was making me get angry.

"Step, let's go. Good Night all" said Haley, and kissed Julian.

Julian and Dad accompanied them to the main door. I decided to go back to my room, then to Nina's. Opening the door of my room, I went inside and laid on my bed. What a tiring day it was. I went and change my clothes and decided to sleep.


I woke up in middle of big lawn. I stood up and started walking, when I heard giggling of someone. I decided to continue walking towards the direction of the sound. I walked for almost an hour, but still I couldn't see anyone and still the voice continue. Finally, I see a lake with two people sitting on a rock near the lake.

"Can, you stop laughing now. It was not even that funny" The person said, but the person voice was a familiar one.

"It was. It's good to be here and now that I can see it's really amazing. Thanks," said the girl, her voice was also familiar like Nina.

" Ni, anything for you,"said the guy.

" Thanks, Steph if it wasn't you love I would have not been able to see" said the girl and turned back to where I was standing. I was shocked to see who it was. It was Nina, but not the one I knew she was more lively her eyes held emotions.

"What are you looking for love?" asked the guy and turned to look at me. It was none other than Stephen. The guy I despised a lot.

" Nothing, just thought someone was there," said Nina looking at him.

"Ok, then love, let's head home, I am sure our little angel would be waiting for her mum and dad to arrive" said Stephen getting up and holding his hand for Nina. That's when I realised that rings were there on both of their ring finger and then realised what he meant. They both were married and had a child together and also that Nina had her vision back. Nina looked ethereal for sure. I decided to follow them and see where they were headed.

I followed them. It hurt seeing them holding hands, and they were happy. I  started getting restless. I wanted to break them off and know where I was and was I not with Nina. I saw a small house. 

" Nina" I heard a familiar voice call and I was awestruck to see it was me, but more different.

"How was she?" she asked, looking at my other self.

" She was like an angel. I just got her to sleep, I hope you guys enjoyed your time. Call me whenever you need me to babysit. I will be more than happy" said my other self.

" Thank you man, for taking care of her," said Stephen.

" No problem man, I will head back home," said my other self .

"Take care Nathan" said  Nina heading inside.

I decided to follow my other self.  He went inside my house. I followed him, but everything was different. The house had lost its mood, I saw alcohol bottles lying around the couch and few on the floor. 

"Only if, I had treated her well, Only if I told her my feelings for her only if. Then she would have been with me here. We would have been a happy family and have a daughter like Caiden" said my other self and started crying that when I realised that this is not just a dream but a future where I could be like this. I can't do that.  I have to choose Nina and treat her better, I can't lose her. I can't let her be anyone except me.

Dream Ended......

 I felt my cell phone ringing. I woke up and check the clock and it was 9 past 10 am. I  took my phone and saw that it was Cara. I think about rejecting the call, but then remembered that my every move will matter. I clicked on accept and held my phone near my ear.

" Baby, so I was thinking that we should start shopping". She said.

"But, isn't it to early Cara?" I asked, though I knew that it would some plan of hers of taking out more money from me.

"Please baby," she said, in an annoying tone.

" Ok, we will see about it," I said.

"Ok, but when are you coming to pick me up?"asked Cara.

"Cara, I said in three days and there are still two days to go and I also have to talk to my dad" I said. I knew her idiotic traps.

"But baby, it's your house you can decide who can stay who can not? Is that bitch going to stay with us?" she asked, mentioning Nina which made me angry.

"Cara, I just woke up so I will call you again and one more thing this house is my Dad's house so he decides who stays who not" I said, hanging up the phone. 

I went downstairs to see Nina sitting along with others on  the dinning table, I was happy seeing her but then my gaze turned towards her right side and I saw Stephen which made me angry. What was he doing here? Don't he has his own house.

Hope you like this update. Let me know your views.

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Aarya ❤❤❤

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