Chapter 27

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Nina's POV

I heard my door being knocked. I thought it was either dad or Julian.

" Come in, " I said, sitting up on my the bed.

I heard the door being opened and I heard footsteps.

" Nina " said a somewhat familiar voice.

" I am sorry who is it?" I asked.

" It's me James " I heard. I felt scared bit scared and moved little back.

" Hello James" I said.

" I heard about what happened in the hospital. My idiot best friend made a bad decision for both of you" He said.

" I mean that both of you would have been free like there was no need for the 3 month trial and as we know that even in this 3 months he is going to be with Cara then what is the use right?" He said. I know where he was taking this conversation too, like trying to make me realize and move out of their way to their plan.

I had to play it cool right now, so he won't take a doubt.

" I agree what you are saying James but what done is done right and I don't think I should be worried about this 3 months" I said.

"I can still change this. I mean I am a lawyer and can help you out of this arrangement so you can be free from him"He said. He was being too obvious right now on some part.

" I am just telling you this is because I care for you and Nathan is my best friend and I know this trial will even hurt him and Cara" He continued.

" I will think about what you said as you aren't wrong, but I am kind of greedy to spend this 3 months here. I mean I know you will do the same for love right James?" I asked.

" Greed is bad let me tell you this, but I agree, maybe I would do the same" He said. Like he was not being greedy right now to move me out of his plan for his greed. I had to play cool because I had this feeling that someday he would let me know his plan if I play a bit from his side. I have never done anything like this, but if it was for Hasting's I would do anything to keep them happy and safe.

" I will think what you said and let you know my decision" I said.

" Sure, well then, take care. Call me whenever you want and will be waiting for your decision. Good Night" He said and after a moment I heard the door of my room getting opened and closed.

I took a deep breathe and was going lay down when the door was opened with a bang.

" What did he want?" I heard Julian's voice.

" Nothing, just talking me through about this trial thing." I said.

" Trying to move you out of the plan I assume?" asked Julian and I felt a dip on my bed and hand on my knee.

" Yes, he was explaining me about how I should think over it and not be greedy for love where he is also greedy here" I said and started laughing.

"Wow, I never knew James was so much disparate that means my big brother has done something to make James go in this way. What do you think would have been the cause for this behavior of James?" asked Julian.

" Well, you are asking that question to the wrong person and Julian I have decided to like make James think that I am on his side by talking about how the trial should end and all" I said.

" What!" exclaimed Julian.

" I mean I have this feeling that maybe by doing this James will let me know about his side and plan" I said.

" Yes, seriously, he will let you know all his plans and What if he comes to know about your plan and hurt you, " said Julian with anger in his voice which meant he was down for this plan.

" I won't get hurt" I said.

" You are not doing to do that, " I heard a familiar voice of Nathan.

" Nathan, " I said when I felt another dip on my bed near me and felt a hand on my shoulder and suddenly I was pulled towards the side of the person I recognized it be Nathan.

" You are not getting involved in this, do you understand" He said in a warning tone.

" Nathan, I was involved from the start and is it because I am blind that I can't be worth helping" I said because I knew this will be the reason. I wanted to show Nathan that I can also help him and that was not with me sitting idle.

" No Nina, it's not because of you are blind" He said in a soft tone.

" You don't have to lie Nathan, I know what you meant. I just want to help Nathan and if you think about it, they won't doubt a blind lady. I mean what harm can a blind lady cause, that's why I need to be there and understand them" I said.

" I will think about it and one more thing if I even said yes, you are not going to meet him alone" He said but I cut him off.

" Stephen will be there with me and I will be safe with him. Just let me help, " I said.

" Well, then whatever plan you are planning to do it in two days because Cara is going to stay with us as she just told me about her being pregnant with my child and I wanted her under my roof to know her plan so" He said. I felt sad hearing this, but I shouldn't keep my hopes high regarding anything and Nathan still cares for Cara.

" Ok, " I said.

"I am still against this, " said Julian and I didn't realized he was still there.

" Please Julian, " I said.

" Ok, but I am calling Stephen right now and I am going to hear every single word of your plan" said Julian.

" Ok, now you both go I have to think and even rest" I said with a smile.

I heard the door being opened and closed. I laid down to rest while thinking also about how I can do that.


She laid down on the bed and I sat on the couch and continued to stare at her. How can she be selfless for me. I don't deserve her. I was still against her regarding her plan and when she said his name, I felt a pain in my chest. Stephen was right guy for her. But I am also not bad one right?

Hope you like this update. Let me know your views.

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Aarya ❤❤❤

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