Chapter 23

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"Well you should rest and Mrs .Gray will be here with your lunch " I said . 

" Nathan about the thing we talked " she said .

" Don't worry about it , just rest " I said and opened the door of the room and walked out .

As I went outside I saw Mrs. Gray coming towards the room with a tray filled with food in her hand . She looked at me and I understood she needed my help so I opened the door for her as she went inside I closed the door and started walking towards the dining hall . As I was walking I saw Julian heading towards the same direction as I was . 

" Julian " I called out his name . 

" Yes " He said looking at me .

" Thank you for supporting me in the hospital " I said . 

" Welcome , but it was not for you it was for my sil " He said . 

" Still " I said . 

" Ok " He said .

We both went near the dining table to see Dad and Stephen already seated . I looked Stephen looking at me and then he gave me a nod and so did I . 

" Haley is busy so she will come in the evening " said Julian sitting besides me . 

" Ok then let's start our lunch " said Dad serving us the food . 

" Thank you Dad " said Julian . 

I took the first bite when I realised that the taste was different it was not the one I was used to . It was like someone else had prepared food for us but Mrs. Gray always prepared for us then why . 

"What happened Nathan seems you don't like the food " said Dad looking at me .

" It tastes different " I said .

" Ofcourse it would taste different as the person always prepare our food is right now injured " said Julian . 

" What do you mean ?" I asked with confusion . 

" Nina prepares our food " said Dad . 

" But how can she ?" I asked .

" That's where you are underestimating her Nathan " said Stephen . 

"That's right . Nina has been cooking food for us , first it was with help of Mrs. Gray but later she started to cook without help . I was also astonished by this " said Dad . 

" Nina always wanted to be a cook , she used to cook for us before her accident but the thing is God took her eyes away but not her talent of cooking " said Stephen .

" I didn't knew that " I said feeling embarrassed . 

" There are lot things about Nina you don't know Nathan but I know that will now try to get know them . About her cooking  I remember when she lost her eyesight and when her parents used to not take care of her she used to try cooking for herself at that time me or Haley where always there with her in starting stage but later we saw that Nina needed no help and as the kitchen was familiar to her it was easy for her  . I guess now Nina must have been familiar with this kitchen " said Stephen . 

" Yes , sil used to ask Mrs. Gray earlier about what is kept where " said Julian . 

"There is one thing Nina hates the most is when someone looks down on her " said Stephen finishing his food . 

"And that what happened the most " said Dad looking at me . 

" Nathan , never underestimate her from now on and take care of her . Thank you for the lunch , I will have to head back as I have some work left " said Stephen standing up from his seat . 

" I will " I said and smiled . 

" I will let Nina know about me leaving " said Stephen walking towards her room . 

" Nathan , can you explain us now what is going on ?" asked Dad . 

" I heard something which made me make this decision " I said looking at dad .

" What did you heard ?" asked Julian . 

I told them about Cara and James and all about their vicious planning for taking my wealth .  Both Dad and Julian looked at me sad face as they knew were people dear to me . 

" I don't understand why James ? I mean I can understand Cara but why James ?" said Julian . 

" That I also don't understand . But I am going to ask him soon " I said .

" Whatever you do . Don't hurt Nina again that's all I want to say " said Dad getting up from his seat . 

" I won't hurt her " I said . 

" I will help you " said Julian . 

" Thank you " I said finishing my food . 

I decided to take some rest before planning about what I should I do next . I went to my room and changed into comfortable clothes and laid down on the bed . When I remembered about my and Nina's chat and I started thinking about her plan . 

Hope you like this chappie . Let me know your views and keep supporting . I couldn't update early as I was busy with stuff .

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Love ,

Aarya ❤❤❤

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