Chapter 11

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Nina's POV

" Ok , Ma'am but someone will be needed in the room when the eye specialist comes so please let us know who to call "said the same voice which I assume it is the doctor . 

I thought about who to call and then I decided the person I trusted more with my secret apart from Haley 

" Can you call Stephen Macintosh when the eye specialist comes " I said . 

" What about your husband ?" asked the same voice .

" No one except Stephen please " I said . 

" Ok Ma'am " said the same voice . 

I kept on think about what Michael said in my dream and how should i behave now . 

Half an hour later

" Nia " I heard Stephen's voice . 

" Stephen is that you ?" I asked trying to sit . 

" No no Nia you have to rest in sleeping position only " said Stephan and then I felt a hand on my hand . 

" I am glad you are wake Nia . Haley and others are so worried about you and want to meet you , Nia the doctor said that you requested my presence when the  eye specialist comes why not of Julian or your father in law ?" asked Stephen . 

" Stephen I have decided something and I know that you will be with me in all my decision and I trust you more " I said tears with forming in my eyes .

" Don't cry Nia , I will always will be there for you and take your time with whatever have you decided " said Stephen. 

I heard the door of my room being opened . 

" Hello Nina , I am Doctor Andrew Mitchell and I will examine your eye condition so shall we start ?" asked the doctor . 

" Yes please " I said with nervousness which I felt light pat on my hand . 

" Don't worry Nia " said Stephen . 

" We will run a scan again and Nina can you keep your eyes still for few seconds ?" asked the doctor . 

" Yes" I said and tried not to blink . I had no clue what was happening . 

Few Minutes Later 

 " Nina , I would like to tell you a good news there are still chances of your sight coming back but for that you have to regulary take medicines and check up is needed every month to see the progress and as per that we would have the surgery " said the doctor . 

I was so happy hearing that I could get my sight back . Maybe I have to tell others about this news but I don't want to let them know . 

" Take care I will take leave " said the doctor and went . 

" Nia that's wonderful news all will be so happy hearing this won't they ?"asked Stephen .

" Yes , they will be but " I said . 

" But what ?" asked Stephen . 

I explained him what was on my mind . He was confused but he said that he will support my decision . I told him to call Dad inside . 

I waited for him to come and then I heard the door of my room being open and closed and felt a movement near me . 

" Nina dear how are you ?" I heard Dad's voice .

I felt myself in position of breakdown but I controlled .

" I am fine Dad . Dad I have decided " I said ..............

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Love ,

Aarya  ❤❤❤  

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