Chapter 14

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I went outside to see other talking about something . I decided to talk to this matter to Cara , I saw her sitting on the bench waiting for me . 

" Babe , I am so happy right now , we can finally be together " she aid hugging me . 

" Yes " I said a serious tone and hugged her back . 

" Please let know if we can help her "I heard Julian's voice . 

" I will do , but I don't think she let me ask you guys " said that jerk . 

" What is this about ?" I asked . 

" Well that bitch , I mean your soon to be ex wife is going to live with that guy " said Cara pointing at that jerk .

" What !" I exclaimed with anger building in my mind .

" Yes , from what I heard from thir coversation your ex wife is going to move in with him and they are going to leave the country after she recovers " said Cara . 

" You are telling me that, that jerk is going take of my wife " I said in harsh tone . 

" Nathan baby , why are you getting so angry ? you should be happy that we are going to be together " said Cara .

" That's what she also said but Baby I don't know why I am feeling this angry " I said . 

"Excuse me , can someone come with me it's about the paitent medicines and all " said a nurse .

" Yes " I and that jerk said at the smae time . 

" Stephen you go " said Dad 

" But " I protested .

I saw Stephen going with the nurse , I walked towards Dad . 

" Dad , why didn't you let me go with nurse ?" I asked . 

" Why do you even care Nathan , you never cared for my sil " said Julian .

" She is my wife " I said . 

" Well Nathan , you never treated like one " said Dad .

" I did " I lied . 

" Don't you lie , do you know when her birthday is ? do you know how did she lost her eye sight ? Do you know why her parents hate her ? Do you anything about my bestfriend ? No you don't and you never cared because you were busy with that bitch all the time . I am happy that she decided to part away from you and I am glad that Stephen will take care of her and keep her happy while you stay happy with your gold digger bitch " said Haley . 

" How dare you call me gold digger ?" asked Cara coming towards Haley . 

" Everyone can see that but not my brother . Well brother you will still think we are lieing so fine , you will find it out ourself . And what Haley said I agree with her you never cared for her . You did one thing after marriage that you thought you did great was appointing Ms Grey as her maid . Wow brother . Mother would have been so proud of you " said Julian and both him and Haley went inside the room .

" Dad " I said looking at him . 

" I am leaving " said Cara and walked away . 

" You know Nathan , there is this saying that you don't value something or someone when they are with you but when they leave you start regreting of not valuing them and son that's the case right now with you . But you know what I am also confused that why are you behaving like a husband for the first time when it's the last time " said Dad . 

" Dad , frankly I also don't know but Dad why is she going with that Stephen ?" I asked . 

" Because he is the only person whom she trusts right now " said Dad and went inside the room . 

When Dad opened the the door of room , I heard laughing and one laugh that made my heart race . I went near the door to see her laughing . 

" She is beautiful isn't she ?" I heard someone ask .

I turned around to see who it was and none other then that jerk . 

" You know Nathan you are a lucky guy " He said . 

" What do you mean ?" I asked . 

" Even after so much pain you caused her she loved you and forgave you " He said . 

" She forgave me , but why ?" I asked . 

" Because she love you , but now on that will change because I will make her fall for me . Maybe you didn't knew but Nina was the girl I was going to marry and now that she will be single I can marry her and treat her like princess " said Stephen and he also went inside . I saw him heading towards her bed . He told her something to which she smiled again . 

I can't do this anymore why is this happening to me . I need some air and a walk it will help my mind get clear . I thought walking towards the entrance when I heard a familiar voice .......

Hope you like this chappie . Let me know what you thought about it and keep on supporting my other books . For pure romance like this read my book " Married to my brother in law " . The picture above is of Francisco Lachowski who plays Nathan Hastings in this book .

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Love , 

Aarya ❤❤❤

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