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i roll over after stretching and a groan leaves my mouth as i look at the clock on my nightstand.

huh.. it's 11 already? normally the guys would've woken me up by now.

not thinking too much of it, i was thankful that they hadn't woken me up with their usual loud screaming anyway, i roll out of my bed and slide on my slippers.

hearing footsteps echoing utside of my door, and immediately recognizing it was minho, i threw on a hoodie i found on the floor and open the door.

"minho? you know you're supposed to be our spy right" i quirk my eyebrow at the boy who was weirdly standing in my doorway. 
"duh of course!" he replied, rolling his eyes.
"then you should act like it." i said with a taunting poke on his chest.
"hey! i'm a better spy then you'll ever be young lady"
"ok oldie" i gave him a cheeky smile while already starting to run away.

he starts chasing me until i run into the closest room i could find. unfortunately it was minho's room.. so much for my luck.

after tackling and wrestling me for some time he stops and furrows his eyebrows for a second and opened his mouth again.

"you know i was only at your door to call you for lunch right?"

as if my stomach heard him, it let out a small grumble.

"uh well uh what are we eating" i scrunch up my face.
"i don't know to be honest, i've been with hyunjin since i woke up" he said while scratching his head.
"oh welp let's go find out!" i dust myself off and head out the door.

we were talking on our way down the stairs about stupid things and arguing about everything we could when we were faced with an annoyed chan.

"hey i think you guys were supposed to be down here like 20 minutes ago"

oops.. we're in trouble now. i look up at minho and signal him with my eyes to say something.

"my bad hyung the little one was being stubborn"
" i was not excuse me! in fact i think i'm starving." i roll my eyes and pat my stomach.
"shut up kid we're late because of you"
"no you! and 17 is not a kid"
"no YOU and you're like 4 so i don't think you should be-"

he got cut off by a, now angry, bangchan.

"i suggest you both shut up before i make you and join us at the table, children"

we both silently agreed because an angry leader is a scary leader. after bickering with minho, quietly, for another minute, we walked over to the dining table where we saw all of the members eating chicken without us. seungmin looks over at the sound of our feet and rolls his eyes.

"look at our rat! why do you look like you just woke up?" he chuckles and shoves another piece of food in his mouth.
"because i just did?"
"what? i sent jeongin up to your room earlier to wake you up" hyunjin pipes in with a mouth full of food.
"in my defense she looked really tired" our second maknae said, shrugging his broad shoulders.

while they were talking i caught a glimpse of myself on the back of a spoon and jeez- i looked horrible.
spit on my face, hair a mess, and a puffy face.

and that's what i get for watching itaewon class until 4.

"uh hello? earth to minjoo?" changbin's voice interrupted my thoughts.
"yo my bad what"
"sit down baby why are you still standing?"


"my bad"

i sat down and ate my food silently while i watched the eight kid like adults in front of me, chuckling every once in a while if i heard something dumb.


it's now 2pm and today has been pretty unproductive. normally i would be practicing with hyunjin or watching han hack kids phones or security systems but i'm not feeling it today.

why do i feel like somethings gonna happen sometime next week.

i bite my lip but brush the thought off anyway because a lot of the time, my thoughts and guesses are completely wrong.

"yoo baby girl what you doingg" chan peeked his head through my door frame.
"literally nothing and i'm bored" i said with a small smile, replying in english.
"you wanna go with jisung to the 7/11 in a few?"
"why all of a sudden?" i question.
"oh because he wants to go with someone but no one else wants to" he said with his dimples showing.
"ok let me know when" i see his smile grow.
"actually i think he's leaving right now so you better get downstairs! i'll let him know that you're going"
"wha-" and he was out the door.

i get out of bed and quickly tried to make myself look somewhat presentable then thought,
who cares it's just 7/11.

i went downstairs to be met with a shoulder in my face.
"oi! felix!" i rub my nose and shoot him a glare. 
"what? it's not my fault you're like 3 feet tall." he pats my head.
"for your information" i said dragging out the n.
"5'3 is not short- so move"
"lmfao you're small"

wow thanks i roll my eyes

nwait a minute did he just say lmfao out loud?

i thought to myself while walking towards jisung wearing a t shirt and his black beanie
"let's goo" he says seeming excited.

while we were walking i turn to look at him beaming like a child about to get candy.

"why so excited?"
"they're releasing the new flavor of ice cream!!" he squeaked out.
"REALLY?!" i screamed also getting hyped.
"mhm so let's go quickly!" he smiles and starts running as i trail behind him.

we start full on sprinting because well, mentally him and i are both like 11. we reached the store pretty quickly and we split up, me grabbing snacks for movie night this friday, and him going to the back for ice cream when i heard footsteps trailing behind me.

i took a couple turns just to be sure and when i realized the same person was following me, i sped up meeting up with jisung at the cashier and telling him what i heard. we paid and left the store. i still hear the footsteps behind me as we're walking when suddenly i was pulled to the ground by my hair.

"take a step and she's dead" i felt a cold piece of metal on my temple.

really?! man i just wanted some ice cream, i mentally roll my eyes.

"who are you? who sent you?" an impatient jisung asked the masked man.
"you have what we want you know" the man continues completely ignoring jisung's questions.
"hell no."


jisung had shot the man in the left shoulder barely skimming my face in the process.

"dude not cool! you had a gun on you?" i say, adrenaline lowkey rushing through my veins.
"yeah" he replied shortly while i started to examine the person.

he was fairly tall and seemed to have a thick chinese? accent when he was speaking earlier. i looked for any marks on his body and found one right under the bleeding bullet wound.


stay safe guys <3

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now