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i wake up to the loud chatter echoing off the walls of the large house. i look up and see haechan hugging me tightly. i start to admire his face and it seems like even the sun knows how attractive he is, as the small sliver of light in the room is on his face. the freckles and moles on his perfect complexion, his cute curled eyelashes, the cute cheeks and perfect strong, yet somehow soft jawline, his beautiful fluffy hair. and his lips. perfectly pink and soft.

"you gonna keep staring or what?" he mutters with his eyes still closed.
"who said i was?" i said, slightly panicked at the fact i was just caught.
"shut up. we're both gang members i think we should know if someone's watching."

"and i know, who can help it? i'm hot."he groans out and rolls over so he's facing the other side of the room.

i wait until the boy falls back asleep to throw my side of the blanket off my legs, grab my phone, and slowly walk out the room.

"where you going princess?" i hear a voice from behind me.
"no where with you!" i deadpan when i look and see wonwoo trailing behind me with his little mischievous smirk on his pretty face.
"woah woah woah why do you hate me sweetheart?" he fakes concern.
"i don't hate you- hate is a strong word, i just mildly dislike you." i keep walking, not turning my head around to face him while speaking.

"okay okay i see you- won't stop me from joining you though." he runs up to catch up to me and swings his arm over my shoulders while cutely laughing.

after walking for a bit, i decide to start talking.

"you know, you reming me of a cat."
"do i? in what way?"
"annoying but cute and stupid-"
"woahh so you think i'm cute huh?" he flips his non existent hair and looks down at me smiling.

"i also called you annoying and stupid." i just sarcastically smile while looking up at the guy.
"i have selective hearing, and i will choose to have never heard that statement in my life." he somewhat proudly smiles and almost pulls me to the floor by walking faster.

"not my fault your legs can't keep up!"

we keep walking down the seemingly endless hall and down the giant flight of stairs and go into the kitchen where all the noise was coming from.

"hey guys! woah wonwoo making moves on the new one already?" dokyeom wiggles his eyebrows.
"that's a big nono woo, she's mine!" mingyu grabs me by my waist and spins me around.
"need i remind you both that she's 17?"
"she's my child." mingyu lifts his chin up and drags me to a seat.

i check my phone for the time, 10:13am, and set my phone on the table, screen facing up and start to eat. my phone starts to ping with a bunch of texts from my group chat- called tEa tiMe- with lele, xiao, lucas, yangyang, hendery, and renjun.

"woah you speak mandarin?" i look at jun reading the texts on my screen.
"yeah! technically chittaphon is my dad now and he's kinda making me."
"cool! hao and i are chinese too!" i look over at the8 and he just smiles and nods.

"yo wait why is you kissing renjun on the cheek your wallpaper?" joshua says after taking a peek at my screen.

after the words left his mouth, all the boys start to crowd around my phone.

"woah are you dating him?? renjun is like my son!" minghao speaks up and gets excited.
"nonono! we're just friends!"
"yeah, friends that are attached by the hip." i hear donghyucks voice as he walks into the kitchen.

"tea." seungkwan says before going back to eating again.

after everyone calmed down, we all start to eat and do our own thing. mingyu and i were both finished so we were just chatting, some of the other members joining in time to time.


i'm sitting in seventeens shooting room, watching some of the guys shoot when my phone starts to ring. nanas nono- is calling

"hey dude? what's up?"
"tae said you guys should come home now."
"ooh okay! tell him we're on our way then."

i stand up, putting my phone back into my hoodie pocket and all the boys attention goes to me.

"where you going?" hoshi asks, setting his guns safety on again.
"leader said i gotta go home!"
"okay i think haechan was with maknae line upstairs!"

i turn around and walk up the stairs to yet another long hallway. okay, which room is maknae lines room.

"the second floor rooms are the8 and youngers rooms and top floor is all of the oldies!" mingyu smiles and gets slapped in the back of the head by an annoyed woozi.

i walk down the second floor, knocking and opening every door. really? the last one i'm checking is the maknaes??

i knock and vernon opens the door with a smile.

"oh hey! you looking for something?"
"someone actually. is hyuck here?"
"mhm! come in." he opens the door wider and i walk in to see a large beautiful white, purple, pink, and blue room.

"wow nice room..."
"thanks! we designed it ourselves." i turn to see dino flashing me a proud smile.
"oh yeah uh i need donghyuck! leader called and said we needed to go home."

"hey i'm here! let's go then!" hyuck grabs his things laying on the floor and shoved them in his pockets.


"bye guys! comeback more often okay!" seungcheol gives the both of us a hug.
"get home safe!" jeonghan waves.

"call me when you get home- don't die!" mingyu shouts as we pull out of the spacious driveway and out the gates.
"will do!"

our drive home is pretty quiet, him focusing on the road and me admiring the view. until all of a sudden, donghyuck pulls on to the side of the empty road.

"yuta made you a bike right?"
"uh yeah? donghyuck you could've asked me that while on the road."
"yeah who cares. i know you don't have a license yet- well no one in nct has a legal 'real'  license- just an okay from the boss if we can be a getaway driver. but do... do you wanna practice on mine?"
"your precious bike?? you're letting me use it?"

"shut up before i change my mind. also who could you possibly hurt? this road is closed off and the only reason we're here is because it's faster than the main road home."

we switch seats, and i felt a little safer knowing that hyucks larger frame was holding onto me.

"okay, ready?"
"sure." i swallow a bit of saliva and hyuck flips up the kickstand.

we start the drive and i'm going very slowly and cautiously.

"cmon joo! let's go faster! i love the vroom vroom you know??" the boy whines are heard through our helmets and i could tell he was rolling his eyes.
"it's not my fault stray kids never let me do anything!" thinking about it now, it makes sense that they never let me do anything outside because they probably didn't want any of sm's groups to find me.

"okay fine." hyuck puts his much larger hands on top of mine and starts to rev the engine.

my heart was racing- not just at the fact that he was literally pressing himself onto my back while holding onto my hands, but also at how fast we were going. it's a whole different feeling than when i was in the back.

"oh lord please don't let donghyuck kill me before i meet tom holland."
"shush joo! i'm driving here!"


a/n- wow 1300 words in 30 minutes

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now