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i throw myself off my bike and watch as the gate closes behind me. i knock on the door three times before getting impatient and kicking it down.

"yo donghyuck chill my guy i was almost-"

"i need help." i say with nothing but seriousness written on my face.

hoshi's face scrunches up in concern before leading me to their basement living room, where everyone else was occupying.

"hey leader, i need your help." i yell out in a controlled voice as we enter the dim lit room.

seungcheol throws the bloodied cloth he was using to wipe his dagger on the floor and walks up to me.

"what's up? i was kind of busy going back to interrogating right now-"

i show him the video as his face fades from his previously blank face.


after getting everyone into the the room, seventeens leader tells them the situation. mingyu had already punched a hole in a wall when he heard the news.

"and nct's doing nothing?" the member growls out.
"no. isn't that disappointing." tears pool the corner of my eyes before i look back up at the men in front of me.

"but we will." the leader line's words echo off the walls of the tense basement. everyone nods and calms down.

droppin' the bomb on ma enemies
and i'm gonna kick it like bruce lee

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now