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1:27am. day five. no plans. why aren't we doing anything you ask? they're scared. fucking pussys.

"why?! why aren't we doing anything? we need to get them safe! did you even see the condition wayv were in when they got back?!"
"calm down haechan-"
"calm down? we haven't even had a single meeting but we know where they are? why aren't we doing anything?! i'm not letting another person that taught me how to love and care again die!" fuck. i look around the room to see a crowd of the members that formed over the ruckus- some whispering about what i just revealed about myself. i don't care.

i grab onto taeyongs shirt and press him against the wall.

"you scared, terrible excuse of a leader." that. that little sentence is what got me slapped. by my very 'best friend' and roommate. mark lee.

he rips me off of our oddly calm leader before slamming me onto the floor and slaps me.

"get your shit together lee donghyuck!" the room went cold and the only thing that was heard was our loud ragged breathing.

i shove him off me before walking towards the exit. the members split like the red sea and nobody bothered to stop me.

"go to hell. all of you." i make a rash decision and walk out the partially open door, slamming it shut on my way out.

i eventually always end up standing at the center

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now