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hyuck and i run out, him far ahead of me, and we run to the garage dodging any questions from our members.

"cmon, hop on!" hyuck pats the seat behind him.

i do as he says and he drives off almost immediately.


"uh? back already?"
"yup! with lil hyuckie this time!"

amber looks confused for a second and a large smile is plastered on her face.

"we both want this noona." hyuck pulls put the little doodle and shows our tattooist.
"matching? like your gang symbol huh?"
"yes maam! i want mine on my right collarbone!"

"i want mine on my left."
"okay sure!" amber beams before ushering us into the big room.
"i'll go first if that's okay!"
"go for it bub"

i was internally freaking out but didn't show it on my face. i can't believe hyuck called me something other than my name or a rude nickname-

i watch the boy playing games on his phone while getting my tattoo. it was weirdly quiet not gonna lie. amber finishes going over the tattoo one more time and cleans it off.

"wow! i love this- dude it's your turn!" i turn grabbing the quiet boy sitting down next to the door.
"okay okay!"

i watch as amber puts her steady hands holding the tattoo gun on hyucks now exposed collarbone.

that's hot. wait what? yeah he's still hot whatever.

the ink looks perfect on hyucks golden, toned shoulders and i can't help but stare. the way the shitty parlor light did nothing for the beautiful boy yet he still was glowing. his eyes closed, occasionally scrunching his nose at times when the needle hit his skin. my eyes travel down to his jawline and then to his collarbone once again.

"stop staring. i know i'm gorgeous." his eyes still closed, he smirks at my silence.

i can hear ambers pathetic attempts at hiding her laugh but i'm still not fazed.

"please me? stare at you? neverr" i sarcastically say, making one of his eyes open to look at me with a look that said you're an idiot.

me being mature, i just stuck my middle finger off in return.

"i swear to god if i mess up this kids tatt cause of you guys-" amber gets cut off when my ringtone goes off.

boom boom boom boom boom

"you listen to those children?"
"yes! what about it!" i look at the contact name

injunnie🥰 is calling...

"it's jun- i'll be right back!"

"hi bebes! i answer the phone as i open the door to walk outside.
"where did you and haechan go???"
"somewhere! it's a surprise"
"... okay. just be safe and come home soon! love you!" with that he hangs up.

what?? am i hearing things?! i've known the boys for a couple of months and no one but my brother has said the words i've been thinking.

i call him back and the phone rings for a couple seconds.
"i love you too, we'll be home soon!" before he could reply, i hung up.


when i got back inside, there was a weird tense feeling in the room. weird. okay whatever. i just play l.o.l on my phone with chenle for the rest of the tattoo, which wasn't that long.


when she fully left the room, i scoff in annoyance.

"what's the prob child?"
"i- i don't understand! this stupid fucking feeling every time she's with lucas or jun. i hate it. it's dumb. i know." amber just smirks at me.
"so uh, do you get maybe a little bit, upset? when yknow, she shows affection to anyone else?"

"i don't know it's just annoying and stupid that she likes them more than me."
"you said it, not me." she puts her hands up when i realized what i said.
"i- am i jealous? over what??"

the girl just shrugs as i feel my thoughts yelling at me not to get attached to a girl. they always fuck EVERYTHING up. no females. no. gross.

"i love you too, we'll be home soon!" i hear as the door clicks open.

i just give a look to amber and no one says a word for the rest of the session. a part of me wants to rip my hair out and scream, another part wants to beat renjun and lucas up. i don't understand.


"we're done! it looks great if i do say so myself." amber grins in while staring at her nice little piece of art.
"thanks amber, i really appreciate it." i give the older girl a small hug and she whispers in my ear.

"you gotta get the girl. she stares at you with hearts in her eyes i swear."

after minjoo said her thanks, we walk out to where my motorcycle was parked in silence. i glance over and see her running her fingers over the tatt in awe.

"it's so small but perfect. thanks for letting me get it with you." she slightly turns her head to face me.
"erm. yeah no proble-"

i stop talking when i see my wheels completely torn up and from the corner of my eye, i saw a man coming out of the woods. oh god. not right now!

"hyuck... what's happen-" her words cut off when a hand covered her mouth and i draw my gun when people started surrounding us.
"so you're not dead? huh, thought we killed you off last time."

it's them. my hands instinctively brush over my scars they gave me, not showing the slight fear on my face. i hear a bunch of feet shuffling behind me.

"so you need..." i stopped, counting the amount of giant men they needed.
"7 men to take me? i'm flattered."

that's all it takes for their "leader" to snap and jump to where i was standing.

"woah control your anger old man" i aim my gun.
"i wouldn't do that, we have your little 'girlfriend' right here."
"not my girlfriend but-" i still put the gun down anyway when minjoo glares at me.
"why are you guys always slashing my goddamn tires? you too much of a pussy to let us ride?"

the, very ugly, men start to get upset.

"also, not very smart of you to attack right at our headquarters." right as the words leave my mouth, i shoot the guy holding joo and she whips out her own gun renjun had designed for her.

a giant shootout was happening, bullets flying everywhere. but still no signs of anyone in sm noticing?? gosh we really are blind.

fuck. i have to ditch my bike... i bite my lip before grabbing a little chemical bomb in the small motorcycle compartment.

i can't just tell minjoo to hold her breath... they'll do the same... awh shit.

i throw the bomb grabbing the distracted girl by the waist and cover her mouth and nose with my other hand. i throw her on my shoulder when she yells at me.

"TAKE THE LITTLE ONE! WE'RE GONNA WANNA INTERROGATE!" she points at the smallest male who was on the floor, barely alive.

i roll my eyes knowing she was right, and drag the guy by his collar. i, unwillingly, leave my bike and run towards our hqs garage.

sorry baekhyun hyung. i'm borrowing your car. i open the door to the sliver lamborghini, throwing the male in the back and "carefully" tossing minjoo in the passenger seat.

"uh hello? keys?"

i don't reply, dangling the extra keys that baek gave to taeyong. i may have "tested" the car out a couple days ago.

"if i see a single scratch on you, they're dead."
"i'm flattered"
"not you dumbass, my bike."

stockholm syndrome - lee donghyuck Where stories live. Discover now