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what. the. fuck.
i let out a shaky breath as i start to type on my phone.

good morning kim minjoo.

what do u want from me | 

what the fuck are you doing minjoo. get your shit together and tell someone before you answer a rivals text-

my thoughts were cut off when i heard han's door open

"good morning lazy as-" he stops himself after seeing my shocked face
"uh what's up?"

i say nothing as i show him my phone again. as soon as i see his eyes skim through the texts, he snatches it away, takes a picture of our 'conversation', takes out his gun and shoots my phone

"DUDE" i stare in shock, looking down at the remains of my phone.
"safety first kid" he shoves his gun back into his waistline and examines the shattered phone.

i was sitting there like dumbfounded.

did this mans really just shoot my phone.


i'm pretty sure i just died and came back to life as i see 7, loud idiots, with their weapons drawn and pointed towards me.

"jesus that scared me.. y'all need to like.. chill" i hold my hand over my chest and pat it to slow my heartbeat.
"what the actual fuck guys. we heard a gunshot..." chan says and looks around.

han shows the guys the pictures he took and they all huddle around his phone whispering to each other.
"so uh what do we do?" i ask, feeling left out.

all of the eight heads snap up hearing my voice. they all share a look and just... walk out??

"UH OKAY THANKS GUYS" i shout out the door, a little bit annoyed and upset that they won't tell me anything even though it involves me.

i head out of hans room and head out the back door into our backyard. nobody questions it as they probably think i'm going to practice. i jump our gate after turning the alarm off and walk down our quiet street.

i just need some air. right. when i get back, they'll tell me what's going on. i think to myself.

i don't really know where i'm going and decide to let my feet take me where they wanted to go. they lead me to a little store on the other side of town. i find a 20 dollar bill in my pocket and buy myself an ice cream cone and a bag of candy.

i sit down on one of the chairs outside the store when i see a guy in an alleyway beating up a, what seems to be 5'10, boy with pretty black hair. dropping my stuff, i grab the brass knuckles in my hoodie pocket and walk over.

sneaking behind the man, i grab his crusty hair and punched him in the face. while putting him in a chokehold, i kick in between his legs when he starts to kick at me. hitting him for the last time, i made sure he was 'sleeping' and dragged the boy into the store.

okayy what do we have here. i examine the pretty boy's face.

".. uh thanks for helping me... " the boy trailed off not knowing what to call me.
"uh.. MINA. i mean... my name's mina" i said as nicely as possible knowing i'm being targeted by people.
"what about you?"

"my name's chenle" he said with a bright smile on his, cut up, face.

"well then chenle, nice to meet you! let's get your wounds cleaned up yeah?"
"yeah sure" he replied cutely.

i buy some bandages and some ointments from the store and silently start to clean chenles wounds outside of the store. the sun is setting and nobody's really outside.

"so.. how old are you?" he asks, sparking up conversation.
"ah i'm 17" i reply, a little shocked at his friendliness to a total stranger.
"what about you?"
"ah i'm your oppa- ew never mind that sounds disgusting.. i'm 18" he said with a cute dolphin laugh.


after getting to know chenle a little better, the sun is almost completely gone and the boy sitting on my right gets a phone call.

"hello? wassup ty- okay sorry- yeah- i'm fine... okay... tWo minutes?? alright boss see ya."

he turns to look at me and says,

"i have to go soon but can we keep in contact or something?"
"erm i don't really have a phone right now- it's complicated but you can give me yours and when i get another one, i'll text you!"
"that's cool with me ma'am"


after a couple more minutes, i start to head out when i'm pulled into a hug.

"thanks for helping me mina!"
"i- uh okay! i mean it's nothing!"
"get home safe"

wow he's friendly.. kinda cute though not gonna lie. i shake the thought off and start to walk back home.

i nervously fiddle with the paper chenle wrote his number on when i get near the base. i'm in so much trouble for leaving... i get to my front door and as soon as i knocked, i shoved the paper in my bra and see a relieved jeongin.

"guys, minjoo's back." he says. turning his face into his cold one.

oh boy i'm in a lot of shit


"and NEVER do that again." chan finishes
"okay okay i'm sorry jeez"

right as chan walks away, felix pulls me aside and gives me a new phone with a soft smile on his face.

"all our numbers are in here already. sorry for chan... he's just a little stressed sweetie."
"it's ok. thanks lixie" i say as nice as possible.


damn today was rough...

i start to change the boring names they put for themselves

chan crispy brother <3
minho    meanhoe🐍
changbin binnie🥰
hyunjin hyunjeans🥵
jisung     squirrel🐿
felix          oioioi😌
seungmin dandy boy
jeongin        child😎

i took out the crumbled piece of paper in my bra and make chenles contact too

chenle lele, dolphin boy🐬|

to: lele, dolphin boy🐬

hey lele! its mina

lele, dolphin boy🐬 is typing...
lele, dolphin boy🐬
hey mina! u got ur phone already? also lele lmao thats cute

ahaha yeah so, how r u? ik its only been a couple hours but


we continued to talk until it was about 1am so i decided to get some sleep.

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