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it's been a couple days and i'm almost done training with lucas and jeno. taeyong told me that i was gonna have my official test tomorrow! i'm kind of nervous but i'm more excited because i'm pretty sure i'll pass.

i've been getting closer to lucas and i think him, chenle, xiaojun, and renjun are my closest friends here. renjun's a little ass but i love him, chenle's my best bitch, xiaojun's my second brother and i love him so so much, and lucas is my giant puppy!

after the whole haechan thing, we've both been busy and don't have too much time to see each other. i'm okay with it and so is he. johnny and ten have "adopted" me as their love child. and kun literally treats me like i'm his kid. doyoung isn't like a brother to be honest... he's like a gay wine aunt.

anyywayy i'm currently in the training room with Lucas and jeno is scolding us once again for playing around instead of actually training.

"who's older again? xuxi or u nono?"
"pft that sound like a knockoff version of nana."
"guys! minjoo. your test is tomorrow! i don't want you failing!"

i shut up knowing it was serious when no jam called me by my actual name.

"don't worry about my baby, she'll do fine!" lucas lazily chimes in.


i walk pass the practice room just in time for me to hear the trios conversation. well of course i couldn't hear it very well because the room is pretty soundproof. but what i did hear, was a bunch of pet names and inside jokes i was unaware of.

damn. thanks universe. i don't want to hear that. especially right now.

i've been kind of distant recently because taeyong's been sending me on so many solo missions. i feel left out because everyone is getting closer to minjoo. i mean- not that i want to. i just don't want to be left out of group activities and hangouts. yeah. that's what i meant.


i ignore the other members once again, as taeyong gives me another mission. i'm throwing my stuff around to find my earpiece earrings, when i hear three, very soft, knocks on my door.

i open it, not expecting to see a tiny, sweaty minjoo, holding my earrings in her hand along with a cookie.

"you left these in the bathroom! also xuxi and i made cookies!"

it made my stomach churn thinking about them being cute in the kitchen together. whatever this feeling is, it needs to leave right now.

"thanks minjoo." i say, not finding any other words in my brain.

"of course hyuck! always!"

and with those four words, my heart exploded.


i'm walking downstairs to get to my mission when i hear giggles from the kitchen. i watch as lucas, minjoo and jeno are filming videos of them baking. yuck.

"wow guys! so mature! why don't you focus on her training. no use in befriending her if she's not gonna join the team." i say with a shrug.

wait why did i say that. oh no. she's sad. oh gosh. oh now they're hugging- what the fuck is wrong with you haechan. just go finish your mission. who cares about emotions. hah. what a joke.


when donghyuck said that, i felt a little piece of my heart break. does he still not want me here?? does he still think i'm useless?? does he think i'll make it in?? maybe he's right. i feel my eyes start to water because of my thoughts without me wanting them to. i look up at the two boys and lucas engulfs me in a big hug. goddamn loser stop crying.

haechan seems to ignore my presence and walks out the door.


it's been an hour since the boy left and me and the dreamies are in my room hanging out when we hear our leader yell out in distress.

"GODDAMNIT PICK UP" he screams while slamming his hands on the table.
"what's happening?" i whisper to my brother who was quietly standing to my left.
"i was watching over donghyucks mission and all of a sudden, connection cut off. i can't even track him down which means his earpiece was destroyed." he briefly explains the situation to me and the dreamies.

"so we have no way of tracking him down? how do we know if he's safe? i don't want him to get hurt! why did he go on another mission alone?"
"the last thing I heard from the earpiece was a gunshot... and a groan from haechan."
"i don't know! the only thing i noticed was that he seemed distracted the whole time!"

a/n- another bs chapter... sorry yall 💚

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