Chapter 1

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Blood, Blood everywhere. It's all Kellin Quinn could see. Finally! After 3 months of stalking Vic's life---the innocent Fuentes boy, He did it! He killed Vic.

But wait. What was that? Kellin was alarmed. He pulled the switchblade from Vic's stomach. He looked at Vic, eye to eye. Vic was pale, he was running out of blood. His yellow t-shirt was soaking wet, soaked by the red liquid from his inside.

"You called the police?!" Kellin asked furiously.

"N--o, no I didn't." Vic said slowly.

"Pathetic boy. If your brother wasn't a big pain in the as* then you can live your life happily as you want." Kellin mumbles.

"Don't worry. Its better this way." Vic whispers.

Kellin brows furrowed. He was surprised by what have Fuentes said. The sound of siren was getting nearer and nearer. He was ought to stab Vic again. But Kellin have felt a little sympathy towards him, Vic was already running out of blood, for sure he'll be dead in a few seconds.

And without another word. He left Vic Fuentes lying on the ground. Kellin should get away. After all, he's mission was done.
One week later of travelling...//

Cruise and Guns Haven//

Kellin entered a familiar hallway, and walked to a big dull hall. Kellin reached the door knob at the end of the hall and turned it. He go up the staircase covered with thick blanket of dusts, and reached to another door. He opens it, and familiar faces have welcomed him.

"Finally, Quinn! I supposed you've come here for good news." The tall hunky boy with a big scar on his face named Gaskarth said, while sitting on a couch with cigar on his mouth.

"I did what you told me to do. I'm off." Said Kellin boringly.

"What are you planning to do next, Quinn?" Asked Gaskarth.

"I'm going back to College. It's my last year, you know. Mom will be so disappointed." Said Kellin truthfully.

"Ahh! The gang will lose its best member. Well, Cruise and Guns is welcome for you if you'll come back, Quinn." Said Gaskarth.

Gaskarth was like an older brother to Quinn. Gaskarth was the proxy of the group, he only passes the message from the boss, Peter.

"Yeah. Thanks." Said Kellin. The friends did a bro hug. The other members bade Kellin a goodbye. And with one glance back, Kellin went out of the room. And off the Place.

Quinn's Residence

Kellin walked to his and mother's house. It was simple and dull as ever. He noticed that the house was nearly empty. Kellin looked upstairs in his mother's bedroom and found the woman there, packing.

"Hey mom." Said Kellin.

"What's with the packing?" Asked Kellin. His mom was nearly done.

"I got a call from School. You dropped out?" Asked Mrs. Quinn furiously.

"Kind of." Answered Kellin and bunk in the bed.

"We're moving out." Said Mrs. Quinn without looking at Kellin.

"We're going to Britain and start over again." Said Mrs. Quinn. Kellin's eyes widen.

"But what about your work? My studies?" Asked Kellin.

"I was assigned in the newest branch in Britain. Now, I already packed your things. Check it in your room." Said Mrs. Quinn and shove Kellin away.

Kellin went to his room and finds his things already ready to go. Kellin let out a heavy sigh. It's better to start over, he thought.

"Kellin are all okay in there?" Asked Mrs. Quinn downstairs.

"Yeah." Kellin replied.

"Good. We'll be picked up any minute now." Said Mrs. Quinn.

The driver arrived and drove them in the airport. The day passed by and welcome Britain!

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