Chapter 6

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Vic and Kellin were eating silently in the dining room. The two women chit chat a lot. When they finished eating, Vic volunteered to wash the plates and the utensils.

"I'll wash it. You rest." Kellin retaliated. Vic was taken aback.

"No Kellin dear. I'll wash it. You rest Vic." Said Mrs. Quinn.

"We'll wash it together." Said Mrs. Fuentes and the two women chuckled.

They were off to the kitchen and Vic and Kellin were in the living room. Kellin made sure that the oldies would not hear anything and so Kellin spoked.

"Liar." Started Kellin. Vic looked at Kellin.

"At least I'm not a murderer." Vic replied.

"I'm not a murderer." Said Kellin calmly.

"Oh, If luck wasn't there maybe I was dead. And if I was dead, You're the reason." Said Vic.

"But you're alive. So I did not." Said Kellin. Vic eyebrows furrowed. Kellin won't be surprised if Vic hated him.

"So you're my buddy from the past, are you?" Vic asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"I think so." Said Kellin.

"Look. I'm not in good terms with you. But I need you--aafkjsgajaka" said Vic.

"What?" Kellin did not heard it right.

"I need you to pretend to be friends with me if our parents are around. It's a favor and you should agree." Said Vic slowly. His big brown eyes were like pleading.

Kellin pretended to think hard but that was really a good idea. He did not have much of friends, and Kellin didn't want one. Gaskarth and some of the other members of the gang were his friends. But a friend like Fuentes?

Kellin was guilty. He pitied the boy. Apart from that, the boy was his childhood friend. And Kellin would like to make amends.

"Okay. Deal." Kellin boringly said.

The two women were done in the kitchen and they went in the living room together.

"It's good to see you two." Said Mrs. Quinn and grinned.

"Elle, I don't think---" said Mrs. Fuentes but Mrs. Quinn cut her off.

"Yeah." Said Mrs. Quinn and smiled.

Kellin did not understood the two grown ups and so does Vic.

"Hilda, I'm having an overtime tomorrow. Can Kellin sleep over in your place?" Said Mrs. Quinn

"That would be great. Vic and I were the only ones in the house. It's good to have a visitor especially Kellin, Vic's FRIEND." Said Mrs. Fuentes and the two grown ups chuckled.

"Mom I ----"

Mrs. Quinn knew already that there's an excuse coming and so she glared at her son, making his son fell silent.
Kellin's eyebrows were furrowed.

"You could be there in the morning Kellin. I'm early tomorrow." Mrs. Quinn added. Kellin reluctantly nodded and faked a smile.

The Fuentes' bade goodbye to Mrs. Quinn and Kellin on the afternoon. Kellin ate dinner early and fell asleep at 6:00 o'clock. Kellin was really exhausted.

Vic and him were holding hands and was walking off the coast in San Diego, California. They were laughing and talking about some random stuffs. It was a date. And Kellin for the first time in his life, smiled. A real smile. He was happy with Vic and Vic does to. They watch the sun setting off the horizon. And the stars appeared in the Blue sky. It was the perfect moment.

"Kellin" said Vic. Kellin looked to the man beside him and responded.

"Vic." Said Kellin with a smile.

"Will you stay with me till the end?" Asked Vic, while looking at Kellin's eyes.

"Of course." Said Kellin and Vic Planted a kiss on Kellin's forehead.

"Kellin!!!!!" The voice of his mother echoed in the room.

Kellin opened his eyes. "What the f*ck was that." Kellin mumbled as he remember the dream.

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