Chapter 4

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Vic was on the Clinic for some medication there, Kellin thought. Kellin was sitting on a couch on the Principal's office.

The principal was contacting someone on her phone.

"Hello Mrs. Quinn." The principal started.

The Principal told Kellin's mom about the 'improper behaviour of his son during the first day'. And Kellin did expect the Yell from the line. Her mom's voice was, let's say, out of tune. Definitely deafining!

The Principal contacted another person. A woman answered the call. Kellin assumed It was Vic's mother. Unlike from Kellin's mom, Her mother wasn't panicking, like that.

It feels like hours sitting in there then Vic arrived having that bruised on his face from the leader's punch earlier. Kellin thought, it was only a week that have passed since He stabbed Vic. The wounds were not fully healed by now and Vic experienced a torture again. He pitied the boy. Vic's face was as poker as ever. His brown eyes were sad. They were expressing loneliness.

Kellin snapped out from his trance when her mother arrived.

"Kellin! What did you do?" Her mother sort of kind of Greeting.

"Calm down Mrs. Quinn. We'll wait for Vincent's mother so we can discuss together what have happened earlier." Said the Principal while garing at Kellin.

Kellin's mother settled herself beside her son, since the couch was for two. Vic was across them, sitting on a two person couch.

Kellin was afraid that once Vic's mother would arrive. She would recognize Kellin and send him to Jail. Kellin's mother would be so disappointed.

Vic's mother arrived. Somehow, they were like the same age of Kellin's mom. Kellin's mom stared at the lady furiously, with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Thank goodness you've came Mrs. Fuentes." Said the Principal and beckoned Vic's mom to seat down. She settled with Vic on the couch.

"Are you okay, Vic?" Asked Mrs. Fuentes. It's obvious she was concerned.

"Does it hurts?" Said Mrs. Fuentes giving an eye on Vic's stomach. Kellin knew what she was talking about.

Vic did not responded and so Mrs. Fuentes turned to Kellin and His mom. Mrs. Fuentes' eyes widen.

"Elle!" Mrs. Fuentes exclaimed.

"Hilda?" Asked Mrs. Quinn.

"AHH! Hilda I knew it, it was you!.." exclaimed Mrs. Quinn.

" I wasn't sure since You're in California. Wait, what are you doing here in Britain?" Ask Mrs. Quinn.

The only voices in the office was Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Fuentes voices. And nobody spoked but them.

"I've transferred my Son for the best. A better medication is here in Britain, you see. Elle" Answered Mrs. Fuentes.

"I assumed this young man is Victor." Said Mrs. Quinn. Kellin looked at her mom and Mrs. Fuentes. Do they know each other?

"Yes. And that boy beside you is no doubt, Kellin." Said Mrs. Fuentes. Mrs. Quinn nodded and Hilda's eyes were widen.

"Victor, say hi to Kellin!" Mrs. Fuentes exclaimed. Kellin was bewildered and so as Vic.

"Kellin, I assumed you two knew each other very well. I hope your friendship well." Said Mrs. Quinn

"But mom, we were never friends." Kellin retaliated.

"Never friends?!"Asked Mrs. Quinn.

"You forgot about Victor?!" Mrs. Quinn asked dramatically. Kellin was about to say something but Mrs. Fuentes spoked first.

"Now, now, Elle. The boys were only three years old back then. They don't have the best of memory." Said Mrs. Fuentes, trying to calm Mrs. Quinn.

"And you too, Victor?!
You forgot about Kellin?"asked Mrs. Quinn

Victor thought for a second. He told his mom something.

"Mom, was he the other boy in my crib?" Victor whispered. Kellin heard it and Mrs. Fuentes nodded.

Kellin felt like his stomach curled, he felt like he was about to Vomit. Disgusting!

Kellin have a certain memory. It was never clear. It was on his childhood. He knew he was young back then and there's this boy with him. They were playing together. And the memory closed off.

Kellin thought it was his childhood friend. He says to himself, He will find him someday. And he did find him.
He's Victor, the boy he nearly killed.

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