Chapter 14

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"Call Mrs. Fuentes. My mom is on duty." Said Kellin. He let go of Vic's hand and Vic grabbed his phone from his pocket.

He called Mrs. Fuentes//

"Mom. Kellin and I are going home." Vic said sadly. Or He was always sad. Vic looked at Kellin while taking to his mother.

"Okay, I'll be there in 30 minutes. I'll text you both if I'll get there." Said Mrs. Fuentes on the line and she hung up. Vic shrugged and putted back his phone.

"What happened, Kellin." Said Vic in a more serious tone. He was freaking serious. Kellin sighed and with no other choice, he told Vic about his mission, about his former gang and Mike's. About Peter and about Gaskarth who was in the venue.

Vic swallowed all what was Kellin  saying. But he found it sweet not because he's in danger but Kellin was really making amends. And Vic wasn't stupid, he knows Kellin was trying to protect him.

It's okay if Vic would die. He was born to be dead. He expected to die anytime since he had a heart failure. And it will be a pleasure if Kellin would kill him.

And Vic rethought for a moment. Now that he's alive and Kellin, his friend, is with him. He wanted to live to spend more time with Kellin. And without realizing it, tears where streaming down on Vic's cheeks.

Kellin noticed this. Vic noticed it too and he wiped his tears inconspicuously. But Kellin already noticed him. Kellin wanted to comfort Vic, wiped his tears, and tell him everything will be alright.

While staring at Vic, Kellin's arms acted in its own accord and Kellin hugged Vic. He patted Vic's back. Vic was shock on Kellin's actions but he hugged him back. Kellin was shocked too. But he wanted to do this. To hug Vic. Vic couldn't stop it anymore, his tears where rolling quickly on his  cheeks.

"Don't worry, Vic. I'll protect you, I promise." Said Kellin and caressed Vic's back.

Vic fell silent. He wished the moment would last a little longer. But truth be told, Kellin was never his. He have to let Kellin go.

Vic released Kellin and so does Kellin to Vic. There was an awkward silence. And they decided to sit on the empty street's curb. No one spoked.

Kellin was alarmed, in case Gaskarth would show up. Bad thing he didn't bring his switchblade with him.

Vic was thinking hard for the same moment. He knew that there was no other perfect moment than this. He have to tell Kellin. And if Kellin would be angry at him, it'll be okay. Vic wanted to take the risk.

"Kellin I gotta tell you something." Vic initiated. He was nervous but at the same time, his self-esteem was boosting.

"I'm all ears." Said Kellin calmly. He doesn't want to shout at Vic again. He might lose his trust. And to add, It was hard for Kellin  to make Vic trust him.

"But you have to promise me something first." Said Vic, his eyes were pleading.

"Okay." Said Kellin uncertainly.

The night was bringing coldness. But Vic was in his suit, he felt refreshed. It was not everyday he could went outside the house or outside the school campus. Having a disorder feels!

"Promised me you won't be mad. And you won't be awkward with me."

"And that the stuff I'll be saying later won't change us, won't change our best bud relationship. And that you'll stay with me." Added Vic. He would not turn back. It's now or never.

"I promise." Said Kellin calmly. Vic hesitated and looked at Kellin.

"Okay, Okay. I, Kellin Quinn, solemnly swear that I would not get mad at my best bud, not be awkward with him, and whatever he'll be saying later won't change 'us' and I'll stay with him. Cross my heart, hope to die." Said Kellin, while raising his Left hand.

Kellin felt like he was hit by a lightning again. The word stay brought a thunderclap. It feels like, this already happen. A deja vu?

But in Kellin's dream, they were on San Diego's coast. But the word stay won't leave Kellin's mind till Vic cleared his throat.

Here goes nothing,.. thought Vic.

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