Chapter 2

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The Quinn's have arrived at their new house in Britain. It was cool than the one they have in California. The two started unpacking and arranging.

"I've ordered Pizza." Said Mrs. Quinn. It's already time for dinner but since they didn't have time to go shopping nor cooking, Kellin's mom ordered Pizza.

The Pizza arrived and Kellin, alone, finished the one box of pizza. It was three boxes his mom have ordered.

Kellin brushed his teeth and went to his bedroom. His mom says she already enrolled him and tomorrow he'll be schooling again, In order to cope up and that he won't repeat.

Kellin fell asleep. And it's the next day!

Kellin was feeling tired. He hesitated to waked up since it's already 6:30 in the morning and his classes are on 7:30. But he don't want to repeat a year so he take a bath and pulled a black Jean and white shirt with his vans pair of shoe. He brought his backpack with him with new school stuffs in there brought by her mother in California.

"You're awake." Greeted his mom.

Kellin have breakfast. Her mother drove him to school by a car given by the company along with the house. Her mother was a devoted worker, it was the only thing that made her busy since Kellin's dad left.

"I'll fetch you later." Said Mrs. Quinn and drove off.

Kellin watch the car fade away in sight and walked on the grounds of the school. He went to the Principal's office, since his mother told him to look for the principal first.

Kellin knock on the door in front of him, with the tag  hanging 'Principal's office'. There's a 'come in' voice from the inside and so he opened the door.

"You must be Kellin Quinn?" The woman asked, Kellin assumed to be the principal. Kellin nodded.

"Here's your schedule." Said the Principal and hand him his schedule. Kellin looked at it and he only have half day classes.

"There were guys like you from California also who transferred. What's wrong with the educational system in California anyway." Said the Principal. Kellin did not reacted. The principal told him he can go and his back in the hallways.

There was a map with the schedule. Since its friday, he'll be having Biology in Science. Kellin was holding the schedule and the map in his hands, trying to locate the 'Science' room.

It was on another building. He went there and found a schedule in the information door near the room. It was state there, 7:30-9:00, Biology, fourth years. So clearly, it is the 'science' room.

Kellin headed in the unfamiliar classroom and headed in the back. He doesn't want too much  exposure. Luckily, there was a two vacant seat there at the back. Kellin occupied one. The bell rang and the Professor went inside. The students stood up and so did Kellin and greeted the Professor named Ms. Jacklyn.

"Settled down now. I believe there are two transferees here. Where are they?" Ms. Jacklyn asked.

Kellin raised his hand and the other students were looking at him. Kellin hated the attention.

"And you are?" Asked Ms. Jacklyn

"Quinn. Kellin Quinn." Said Kellin.

"Where's Vincent?" Asked Jacklyn. Kellin shrugged. For his information, he did not encountered someone named Vincent at all.

Ms. Jacklyn was starting her discussion about Biology. Kellin already know the topic for California was a bit advance.
Kellin spent the rest of the time doodling his new note book with his new pen.

Ms. Jacklyn's discussion was interrupted. Seems like the Professor was talking to someone. Kellin did not give a damn and continued doodling.

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