Chapter 3

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"You'll be sitting next to Quinn over there at the back." Kellin heard Ms. Jacklyn spoked.

Kellin closed his notes and turn to see who was Ms. Jacklyn talking to. When Kellin turned up, he saw the Fuentes boy. He thought he was hallucinating. He thought the Fuentes boy was a ghost, longing for a revenge, for a justice. But it was not a ghost. Kellin even blinked but its a real human body walking towards the empty seat beside him.

Vic Fuentes wasn't looking around. He was face down on the ground. When Vic arrived at the seat, he settled himself there.

"Hey." Kellin heard his seat mate whispered.

"What's the lesson for today?" Kellin recognized the voice. It is Vic Fuentes. Kellin did not look at him. Kellin have this black hair reaching his neck line. And he hid his face there.

Vic was not surprised. He was used to being ignored. He listened to Ms. Jacklyn and started taking notes.

Kellin noticed that the Fuentes boy stopped asking and so, it is a relief. Kellin wasn't sure if he was happy to see him, since he did not really killed someone. Kellin was a gang member, he engaged himself in fights, but he did not killed someone. If Vic was killed then Vic would be the first.

Kellin absentmindedly shove his hair in his face and stared at the board. Vic turned in his mate and his eyes were widen. Kellin noticed the pair of eyes looking to him and turned around. Kellin's eyes were widen too. Vic was like he have seen a ghost from up close.

"Still alive, ha?" Whispered Kellin with a smirk. Kellin was getting nervous. What if he was wanted. And with a tap of phone keys from Fuentes, he would be in Jail in no time.

"Wha--what are you doing here?" The Fuentes boy asked. He's nervous and it's obvious.

"I should be the one who supposed to ask that." Kellin replied.

"I'm studying here." Said Vic bravely.

"You've transferred. You're Vincent, aren't you?" Said Kellin

"hmm."Vic responded.

"Wait. We're you stalking me?" Asked Vic.

"Why would I? You're pathetic." Said Kellin harshly. Vic was moved for a moment and snapped out from it.

Vic didn't responded and focused on the Professor's Lesson.

The period ended with the bell. And off they go to their next subject. Kellin saw Vic hurrying to the next Period. Kellin grabbed his things and walked with the schedule on his hands. He noticed Vic was ahead of him. Kellin assumed that there schedules were the same since they're both transferees.

Vic turned left and Kellin, too, turned left. Kellin was locating the next room for Literature in English. Before Kellin realized it, Vic was out of sight. Kellin wondered where could Vic be. The Hallway was long and Vic was there ahead of him a seconds ago. Students were passing him, some were hurrying and some are chit chatting with their friends. While walking, Kellin heard a yelp. He turned to see where did the yelp come from and he spotted Vic being bullied by a group of boys.

Now let's see what you got, brave Fuentes boy, Kellin thought and smirked at the scene.

From the looks of it, the leader of the boys were clutching Vic's collar. Vic was wearing a white jacket with a collar. The leader was punching Vic in the face and then threw Vic on the floor. He stomp at Vic's stomach and Vic yelp.

Kellin remembered that was the part he stabbed Vic. It was not just once, he stabbed Vic thrice. Kellin's feet brought him to the boys with Vic. Vic was lying helplessly on the ground. Poor Vic, He thought.

"Another Transferee, eh?" The leader spoked and his fellow boys sniggered.

Kellin was annoyed by the sight of the leader and quickly, Kellin's hand collided on the leader's face. Kellin punched him really hard. And it started. Kellin was beating the leader with no harm at all. The boys avenge their leader and charged at Kellin. While the fighting was on going, there was a sound of a whistle and the principal was shouting.

Kellin noticed the principal and punched a random boy on his face for the last time.

First day it is and they were called to the Principal's office, Vic and Kellin.

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