Chapter 9

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Kellin examines Vic's wrist. There's a new cut and there were faded linings in his wrist. The new cut was flowing tiny droplets of blood.

"Are you insane?!" Yelled Kellin at Vic.

"What? ----Why do you care?" Vic retaliated.

"You should be happy now. I'll be killed. You'll get an A for accomplishment!." Vic added.

Instead of arguing, Kellin lead Vic in the bathroom. Good thing there was a medicine kit there. Kellin get an Alcohol and a bandage.

"We'll clean the cut." Said Kellin. Vic hesitated for a moment with his eyebrows furrowed. He was a bit confused of Kellin's actions.

But Kellin held Vic's arm gently and He washed the cut with water. He put an alcohol on a cotton and cleaned the cut with it. Vic was whimpering, but it was inaudible. Vic let Kellin do it. It may sound a bit gay, but Kellin was sweet.

Kellin finished it with wrapping a roll of bandage on Vic's wrist. He put the alcohol and the other rolls of bandage on the Kit and he closed the bathroom.

"What are you waiting for Fuentes? Lunch is ready." Said Kellin. And He went out of the room. He was feeling a great sympaty for the boy. He can't even looked at Vic in the eye now.

Kellin walked downstairs and off to the dining room.

"Is Vic coming?" Asked Mrs. Fuentes who was preparing the lunch in the table.

"Yeah. He'll come down." Kellin replied.

"Sit down." Said Mrs. Fuentes and Kellin did seated down. Mrs. Fuentes settled on the center chair and the two were waiting for Vic.

"Umm.. Mrs. Fuentes, can I ask you something?" Kellin said nervously.

"Sure. Enough with the formality my dear. You can call me Mama." Said Mrs. Fuentes.

"What's Vic's disorder, Mrs-- I mean Mama?" Kellin hesitated for a moment to call Mrs. Fuentes Mama but Kellin reconsider the fact that Mrs. Fuentes was nice and Kellin have a warm feelings towards her.

"It was on his heart. There was a hole in there, it was not big. Just a tiny hole." Said Mrs. Fuentes. Kellin shut his mouth. How much would Fuentes boy suffer?

"But don't worry Kelly, He's taking medication. He'll be fine." Said Mrs. Fuentes and gave Kellin a reassuring smile.

Speaking of the devil, Vic arrived on the dining room and sated across Kellin. They started eating and the silence was very awkward indeed.

After they finished eating. Mrs. Fuentes insisted to clean the dishes again.

Vic was drinking water when he suddenly collapsed. Mrs. Fuentes told Kellin not to worry, and ask Vic to carry on his bedroom. Kellin obeyed and carried Vic in a bridal style towards Vic's room.

He gently placed Vic on his bed. He was surprisingly thin and Mrs. Fuentes followed them from behind. She pulled Vic's drawer and she got Vic's medicine on her hands. She tilted her head sideways and looked at Vic disapprovingly.

"Kelly, Please watch over Vic. He'll wake up any minute now. Please call me downstairs if he'll be awake." Said Mrs. Fuentes and
went out of the room.

Kellin sated on the couch and stared at the boy. He thought that the Fuentes boy doesn't deserve it. He was kind actually. Kellin was an exception, Kellin did scared Vic, it was inevitable to be mad towards Kellin. And Kellin did not blame him for that.

While staring at Vic, Kellin remembered his dream. Vic asked him if he would stay forever with him and Kellin said of course. It was weird. The dream was weird cause as far as Kellin could remember, they were on a date, they were holding hands while watching the sun set, and Kellin was happy.

Kellin snapped out from his trance when Vic's hand moved.

"Mrs. Fueen-----!" Kellin voice trailed off.

"I meant... MAMA, Vic's awake!" Yelled Kellin.

Vic opened his eyes. Kellin's voiced was a bit loud. Mrs. Fuentes was holding a glass of water when she entered the room.

Mrs. Fuentes get something from the drawer and it was Vic's medicine.

"You weren't taking your medicine for a week. Goodness gracious!" Mrs. Fuentes exclaimed.

Mrs. Fuentes took two pills from the pad and handed it to Vic, along with the water. Vic took it and drank the glass.

"I'm warning you Victor." Said Mrs. Fuentes and went out the room.

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