Chapter 16

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Kellin waked up. He was feeling tired already. Good thing twas Saturday. No classes!

It was still fresh on Kellin's mind what have happened last night. A smile crept onto his face. And he remembered Gaskarth, Gaskarth was there.

Kellin was wide awake now. He reached his phone on the side table. It was already 9:00 o'clock in the morning. His mom must have went home already since she was on duty last night.

Kellin called Vic. He was walking around his room, worried like hell. Vic wasn't answering and Kellin have a bad feeling about this.

"C'mom Vic." Kellin mumbled and still, Vic wasn't answering. 

It was like 1 hour, the 5 minutes of Kellin trying to reached Vic. Finally, he answered.

"Hi Kells, what's up?" Said Vic in the line.

"Where's my good morning?" Kellin mumbled.

"Good morning babe, what's upppppp?" Said Vic and Kellin heard him chuckled.

"Who are you talking to, Victor?" Kellin heard Mrs. Fuentes on the line.

"Just a friend mom." Answered Vic.

"Was that Kells? Say Hello for me." Said his mom.

"Yeah mom." Vic mumbled.

"Oi." Said Vic.

"Yeah. I'm still here. Where are you?" Asked Kellin.

"I'm shopping with mother." Vic answered.

"Where?" Kellin asked.

"Just here in Britain. Don't worry babe. I'm not going anywhere." Said Vic and he hung up.

Kellin watched Vic's number on his phone. He messaged him.

: Just be safe, okay? I love you. GM *heart emoticon*

Kellin tap the send button and it was already sent. Kellin felt hungry and so, he took a bath first and wear a grey shirt and short.

He went downstairs and found his mother in the kitchen. Cooking what seem like sliced hams and eggs.

"Update me about last night." Said Mrs. Quinn excitedly as he saw Kellin coming in the kitchen.

"Nothing interesting mom." Said Kellin untruthfully. Well it wasn't interesting, he thought. It was super interesting! Ha!

They ate brunch since the two of them wake up late. It was already 10 when the two finished eating.

Kellin went to his room upstairs and checked his phone. There were no replies. Kellin sighed. He really have a bad feeling about it.

Kellin lay down on his bed, the phone on his side, waiting for it to ring. But an hour passed and there was no sign of Vic at all.

Kellin nearly fell asleep or did he really fell into a slumber, when his phone rang. It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon. And it was Vic who called.

"Hello, Vic." Said Kellin. But instead of Vic. He heard Mrs. Fuentes. The phone have nearly slipped through Kellin's hand.

"Kellin *sob* Vic's dead. We're going back to California."

'Vic's dead' it was all Kellin could hear. It was impossible. No. Kellin refused to believe.

"What--- what hap---pened, ma?" Kellin tried his best not to stammer but Kellin was damn nervous.

"We went to the mall in the morning. And--- and it was after you called.." Mrs. Fuentes choked out. Kellin could imagine Mrs. Fuentes crying. And Kellin was waiting for Vic's voice to hear that it was only a joke. That everything's fine and he's still breathing.

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