Chapter 8

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Vic Fuentes took a bath, and wore some random grey Jacket and a maroon short. He went downstairs and proceeded in the dining room.

He found Kellin, Mrs. Quinn and his mother there, eating.

"Kellin got lost and ended up in your room, am I right?" Asked Mrs. Quinn.

"Mom, I did not get lost." Kellin retaliated.

"Whatever you say." Mrs. Quinn mumbled and returned eating her bacons and ham.

"It's nice if you both share a room. What do you think, Elle?"
Mrs. Fuentes suggested. Vic was confused and so he sated across Kellin and eat up his bowl of porridge.

"It's great. I'm sure they won't mind. They both shared a crib together, you know." Said Mrs. Quinn.

Mrs. Quinn bade goodbye since she was ought to go to work early. Vic and Kellin were left eating on the table since Mrs. Fuentes, too, finished her breakfast.

Kellin finished his breakfast first. And he stared Vic. Vic was eating his porridge silently. Kellin decided to go to the kitchen and so he did while holding his empty plate.

Mrs. Fuentes was in there, washing the dishes.

"Put it there, Kelly bear."Said Mrs. Fuentes and Kellin obeyed. Mrs. Fuentes smiled at Kellin and Kellin smiled at her too.

Kellin was heading back in the living room and Vic was going to the kitchen. Kellin was sitting on the couch, trying to rest. Vic arrived in the room and sated on the couch across Kellin.

"Vic dear, turned on the television. Kelly must be bored." Mrs. Fuentes yelled.

Vic stood up and turned on the TV. Now showing// Harry Potter and the Sorcery stone.

Kellin watched the movie with Vic. They weren't talking that much. Kellin didn't noticed it but he was falling asleep on the couch. Vic saw Kellin sleeping and so he turned off the TV and went to his room upstairs.

Kellin waked up around 11. He noticed he fell asleep and he turned to his side and Vic wasn't there. Maybe he's upstairs.

"Kelly, can you call Vic? Tell him Lunch is ready." Mrs. Fuentes requested and Kellin said, 'sure'.

Kellin went upstairs, and headed on the third room. Kellin knock and turned the doorknob but it was locked. Kellin knock again and said, "Fuentes, lunch is ready."

Kellin heard the water splashing in the bathroom and the hurrying footsteps coming to the door. Vic opened the door.

"What?" Vic asked. He was pale.

"Lunch is ready." Said Kellin.
Kellin entered the room and seated on one of Vic's couch. His bag was there on the floor. He'll get it later, he said to himself. Kellin noticed that Vic was nervous and there were red stains on the floor. They weren't there 6 hours ago. And Kellin recognized them as blood. Droplets of blood.

Kellin throw a suspicious look towards Vic and then on Vic's stomach. There weren't blood stains on the stomach portion of the Jacket. Kellin's eye moved to Vic's wrist and there, Kellin have a strange feeling that Vic did self-harm.

Without hesitation, Kellin pulled Vic's wrist and the Fuentes boy yelp.

"I knew it." Kellin mumbled as he shove Vic's jacket.


Chapter dedicated to @HomoAssBitch. You were the first reader... Thank you so much for reading!💙🖤💛

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