Chapter 11

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The one week of detention have passed by, like the clouds slowly passing on the sky-blue sky.

Kellin and Vic were starting to open up on each other. They were becoming good Friends. Or Kellin thought they were. Kellin was opening up to Vic, and Vic, well, let's just say that Vic was coping up very well or at least he was.

Kellin would always keep an eye on Vic. He was always on the lookout. But eventually, Vic was careless. He could make a bad guy punch him hard on the face. And Kellin decided to tag along for good.

There was this one time, Vic accidentally spilled his Juice on a guy, in the cafeteria. And the guy was furious and beat up Vic with three punches.

Luckily, our keLLir--- wait,. ... Our knight and shining armour, Kellin was just in time. He beat the f*cked out of the guy and told him to f*cking apologize to Vic. The guy obeyed, he was afraid. He wish he didn't messed with them.

Kellin was also bullied by a group of boys, also in fourth year, they would say Kellin was a f*cking Faggot. And so does Vic. Vic told Kellin to ignored. And for once, Kellin obeyed Vic. He learnt to ignore.

The months have passed and Kellin would tag along with Vic. He was always on Vic's side. There are times that Vic would open up and there are times that he won't. But the two became good friends. They were this best buds on school and they were sticking together, always.

It was already the month of February. And the Valentine's Ball was anticipated by the whole school. Vic and Kellin didn't cared though, but when Mrs. Quinn and Mrs. Fuentes heard the news, they were going out together for shopping the best suits for their sons.

Kellin was on Vic's house and they were playing Xbox, when Kellin asked.

"Did you asked a girl already?" Said Kellin, while playing.

"Nope. 'Bout you?"asked Vic, also playing.

"I haven't really though about it much." Said Kellin honestly.

And they were spending the night playing the game. Kellin got home on midnight and fell asleep. It was February 13 on the calendar. And the students were gossiping about the event for tomorrow in the hallways. As usual, Vic and Kellin were together, heading to their first sub; Literature in English.

It was lunch time, and the two boys were eating in the Cafeteria. Vic always preferred Porridge and there's one available in the Cafeteria, with chicken skin. Kellin would always remind Vic about his meds. And the day went by and they were on their homes, they were fetch by Mrs. Quinn since she have not work for the day. But she'll have an overtime for tomorrow.

On the morning of Feb. 14, the two boys did not woke up early since there were no classes for today. It is tonight, the Valentine's Ball and Kellin and Vic were already on their best suit. Mrs. Fuentes drove them to the venue, and she bade goodbye.

"Have fun sweeties!" She said and the car vanished from sight.

Vic really looked handsome, and Kellin appreciated it. He thought for a second and he was afraid that the rumours were true. What if Kellin was really a faggot and Kellin have a major crush on his best bud, Vic. Kellin thought  he was insane for a second.

But Vic cut Kellin from his trance.

"Oi! Shall we go?" Asked Vic


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