Chapter 15

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"Kellin, I Don't know if these were the right words but I think I." Vic paused, he hesitated for a moment

"I?" Kellin was beaming like hell. He was happy in the inside. What if Vic and him shared the same feelings. Cause to be honest with Kellin, He knows Vic was important for him. He wanted Vic to stay with Him, he wanted the both of them to be together. He may not define his feelings at the very moment. But whatever it is, Kellin hope it's love.

Vic's heart skipped a beat when he saw Kellin smiled. He was going to do it, he's going to tell Kellin.

"I think I love you." Vic whispers under his breath. Vic wasn't sure if Kellin had heard him but he's afraid to say it again if Kellin did not.

Meanwhile, Kellin on the other hand, heard Vic very well.

'I love you' 'I love you'
Vic did whispered but he's voice echoed on Kellin. Or did Kellin misheard it. But he doesn't care. Kellin was happy to the highest point! He was sure he heard it right. He was out of his mind. And He quit thinking for a moment. He just grabbed Vic and kissed him.

Vic was shock at first. But Vic responded. The kiss went deeper and both were running out of breath. They pulled away.

"What was that?" asked Vic. Kellin smiled at him and he put his hands on Vic's and he intertwined it. Vic was confused. And so Kellin spoked. He wasn't sure if it was the right word but a big part of him was certain.

"I love you too, Vic." Kellin uttered. And Vic heart did skipped a beat. It was no good to skipped a heartbeat for Vic. Vic was happy, and Kellin felt the same.

It was worth the risk. Vic smiled at Kellin.

A big burden have fallen off from his chest. And the night was perfect. They did not spoked, and the silence was comfortable. Vic and Kellin wished the night would stay long for them.

Vic's phone rang. Vic opened it with his other hand. It was a message from his mother. It says, she's already outside the venue on the driveway.

"Mom's already there." Said Vic. Kellin and him stood up. Vic let go of Kellin's hands.

"Vic, I want you to not look back, okay?" Asked Kellin.

Vic would wanna ask why. But he nodded for a response. He trusts Kellin.

They went back to the venue and the students were still on the dance floor, dancing. Currently playing// Last Dance by One ok rock.

The two went off the crowd and proceeded in the driveway. Vic's mom was already waiting in there. Vic and Kellin were getting nearer and nearer to the car.

"What's up boys. It's still nine o'clock. What happened and you two decided to leave early?"asked Mrs. Fuentes.

"Or Vic, did you collapsed?" Asked Mrs. Fuentes again.

" I did not mom." Said Vic reassuringly.

Vic looked at Kellin and Kellin was giving him a you-should-tell-her look. Vic thought for a second. He did understood the whole story. And it all started with Mike, Vic's brother.

If he's going to tell her mom about it. Her mom would freaked out, or she'll be so dramatic, or even depressed. His mom already have too many things to think about. He doesn't wanna add his problem. He was going to die anyway.

"We're just bored, mom." Said Vic and Mrs. Fuentes understood. She knows her son. He was introvert. And so with nothing to talk about. Mrs. Fuentes drove off down the driveway. It was 30 minutes drive and they went home. Kellin bade goodbye to Vic and hugged him. He inconspicuously kissed Vic's cheek and so he proceeded in his home.

Mrs. Quinn wasn't in the house at the moment and so Kellin went to his room. Changed to his pajamas and bunked in his bed.
He smiled at what have happened earlier. He fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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