Chapter 12

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Kellin turned to see Vic and Snapped.

"Ow right. Let's go!" Said Kellin. And the both of them entered the Venue.

It was a red and black colour theme, with paper hearts of course all around the venue.
The venue was very crowded. Of course, all the students from first year to fourth year was there, plus, there were some outsiders too.

Kellin and Vic already ate dinner and they don't matter anyway. They just attended since their mother buy them suits, Vic and Kellin didn't asked for it, they didn't plan to attend at all but the moms insisted.

The two settled themselves in a corner. Far from the sight of anyone. Everyone was busy on the dance floor, some were eating and some were talking to their boyfriends/girlfriends.

And a ball isn't complete with Music. Currently playing// Mayday Parade>> Piece of your heart.

Kellin looked at the crowd of students in a boring way but Kellin's eye shimmer when it hit the light.

Vic stared at him. Vic was taken aback when he felt there was a spark between them both. And the cold night with Kellin was perfect. When Kellin turned to Vic, Vic turned away.

Fuentes boy felt embarrassed. His face heated up. It was a good choice to turn away, he would look like a drunken tomato by now.

Kellin poked Vic on his shoulder and Vic was startled.

"Oi." Kellin poked him again. Vic compose himself and did that poker impression on his face. He turned to Kellin and said, 'what?'

Kellin chuckled. It was the first time he chuckled. Kellin was no fan of humour, does he?

"Be honest with me, Fuentes." Spoked Kellin. Kellin was trying to tease Vic.

Vic swallowed hard and answered as best as he could, trying not to stutter.

"What do you mean?" Vic asked. Kellin was feeling playful this time. Kellin grinned at first.

"Doyouhappentolikeme?" Kellin said quickly but Vic didn't heard it clearly.

"Slow down, Kells." Said Vic. Now that was a nickname, 'Kells'. Why does Vic's way of pronouncing Kellin's name was so intriguing and well, Kellin felt fascinated.

"I said, Do you happen to like me?" Said Kellin and Grinned.

Vic felt like he was petrified at the moment. But he thought he should not take it seriously. Maybe Kellin was implying about their friendship, if Vic like him as a friend or not. And Vic answered.

"Of course. I like you. You're my first friend and you've become my best friend. I think I like you. I really do." Said Vic while looking at Kellin in the eyes. Vic thought he saw Kellin's face turned sad but it was really quick and then he caught Kellin smiling. Maybe that was the effect of his medicine. Hallucination.

"Great." Kellin mumbled.

"We're best friends now." Kellin added. Vic could not get it if Kellin was sad or not. But he was smiling. But he's smile doesn't reflect on his eyes. Was he faking it?

Vic was also sad for the thought that they were just best friends. He wished they could be more. But Vic snapped out from his thoughts. 'That's ridiculous'. He can't lose Kellin. Now that they've become friends, Vic thought.

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