Chapter 7

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Kellin was off to The Fuentes residence. He had this bag with him containing his things for a one night sleep over or yet a one day stay at the Fuentes place.

It was only 5:30 in the morning. Kellin was with Mrs. Quinn while walking to their neighbours place. Any minute now, they would knock on the front door of the Fuentes house.

The gate was closed and so, Kellin used the doorbell. Mrs. Quinn and him patiently waited till Mrs. Fuentes was coming down the house to open up the gate.

"Good Morning Danielle. I did expect you'll come here early. I've made breakfast." Said Mrs. Fuentes and welcomed them on their home.

It was a two storey home like the Quinn's. It was painted with Yellow and white, an approachable colour. Kellin with Mrs. Quinn proceeded in the living room. His mom was looking around the Photo albums  and Frames.

"Ain't your home, mom." Mumbled Kellin. She should behave, he thought.

His mom chuckled and said,
"I don't know you knew some manners, my son." Said Mrs. Quinn, her voice with the hint of sarcasm.

Before Kellin could retaliate, Mrs. Fuentes came to the living room and beckoned them to the dining room for some breakfast she have prepared.

His mother sated down first and Mrs. Fuentes sated across her.

"Kellin, I think you should put your bag down." Said Mrs. Quinn

"Right." Mumbled Kellin. He got off the bag from his shoulder and look around.

"You should put it in the guest room. It's upstairs, go on, it's on the third room." Said Mrs. Fuentes. Kellin hesitated for a second and looked at his mother.

"Go on dear, feel at home." Said Mrs. Fuentes. And so Kellin went upstairs without a bit of hesitation for he finally heard the magic word 'feel at home'. He found three rooms up there. He was standing in front of a wooden door. It is the first room if it's from left to right. But Kellin hesitated. He thought it was Vic's room or Mrs. Fuentes. If Vic was there, Kellin wouldn't want to be a party popper in Vic's slumber party.

The middle room wasn't an option at all. The third room seems to be the guest room.
And so without hesitation, he turned the doorknob. But instead of an empty room, the doorway revealed the sleeping Fuentes boy. Kellin would close the goddamn door but He looked at Fuentes for a second. He didn't knew it but his feet were leading him closer to Vic. Kellin was standing in front of the Fuentes boy now. He stared at him. And he just can't take his eyes off him. Vic was like an angel. A beautiful angel.

Wait, what am I thinking, Said Kellin to himself.

Before he could cut off his gaze from Vic, The Fuentes boy opened his eyes. He tilted his head and his vision came into focus. Before Kellin realized it, Vic was trying to shout and Kellin, on panic mode, covered Vic's mouth with his both hands.

"I'm not here to hurt you, okay?" Said Kellin. Vic was saying something but it wasn't clear since Kellin's hand was covering his mouth.

Kellin pulled his hand off from Vic's mouth since the boy was sweating. Vic was in a sitting position now, he calmed down a bit.

"What in the world are you doing here." Said Vic. Kellin bunked in Vic's bed and talked.

"I'm staying here for a day." Said Kellin.

"So we're sharing the room?" Asked Vic. Kellin thought for a moment.

"Nope. I was trying to find the guest room. Your mother said 'it's on the third room'. And I thought this was the third room." Kellin explained.

Vic was about to say something but Mrs. Fuentes voice was loud.

"Victor, Kellin, C'mon down you two!"

"You go first, I'll follow later." Said Vic. Kellin put his bag on Vic's room. And went outside the room.

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