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He's at the beach. Not the same beach, though, not the beach where he uses to go since he has moved to Broadchurch. It's long after midnight, the bright full moon casts its light on his tired face. He doesn't know where he is, it's pitchblack around him. The only light comes from the moon, above his head, the waves crashing in the distance. And now, there's another golden light from his hands...wait, from his hands? He is shocked, looking at the golden energy flowing through his fingers, then his face. Along his neck, his spine, up to his feet...he can't stop it. He doesn't know what it is, but he grows weaker and weaker - unable to stop. It is beautiful. 

He's going to die...

Alec Hardy woke up with a start, drenched in sweat. This dream haunted him every night, it always felt real for him. He couldn't explain why or which hidden meaning it could have, but one thing he knew: As long as he could breath, he wouldn't die. Not yet. 

He already lived in this town for one week and in these seven days, nothing had happened to him. No attack, no issue. No illness, no other things might were bad. He almost was grateful going to bed every night, wishing the nightmares would go away. They didn't. 

Despite all that, he really could be grateful. He had a job - the best job in town - a home and something to eat. Three simple things humanity had invented for their best. And for him, it really was the best ever happened to him. 

The DI was just about to get up as he felt a sharp pain near his heart. Alec got tangled up in the blankets and fell to the ground with a loud thump, clenching his teeth in pain. The colours of the room began to fade until it would be dark again...

Not now. He wasn't ready. He couldn't give up yet, he had a job to do. 

Otherwise, nothing would ever be the same again...

Alec forced himself to get back on his feet, reaching over to the nightstand where the pills were. He swallowed two in a row, without drinking to get rid of the dry taste in his mouth. The pain in his chest vanished and he sighed in relief. 

After a while of just standing there, not knowing what to do, he went over to the big wardrobe. Putting on his new suit with the black tie and the emblem of Broadchurch Police, along with a black coat, he felt complete. 

The feeling of fitting in, belonging to something. Being respected. 

A pleased smile crossed his usual grumpy face, yet not reaching his whole mouth. He was sure today would be just as usual - full of boring paperwork and drinking hot coffee burning his lips. Nothing interesting. 

Sometimes he asked himself why he had signed up for this job at all...but he couldn't quit. 

Not as long as he had started a new life...normal and far away from all odd. 

And maybe, just maybe, getting friends with someone. He liked to be alone. So, he didn't care. 

Before Alec Hardy finally left the hotel room, he took a quick glance at the clock on the wall. Then, he closed the door, making his way down the stairs, out of the lobby and to the police station. 


Time for work. 

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