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Alecs eyes fluttered open, his head all dizzy. How long had he been knocked out? He still could feel that sucking pain of this strange creature, sending a shiver through his spine. He tried to get up, but his legs couldn't move. Neither did his arms. A second later, he knew why - he was chained against the wall! Long shiny ropes were wrapped around his body, cutting in his flesh. The suit had been ripped from his body, only the white shirt and the coat was left. 

Which monster could have caused such a mess? Deep down, he was very glad that he was still alive - maybe this being hadn't been so nice to others. Whatever it was, Alec had to stay calm. He would face it if it would come back for another meal. In the meantime, he could find a way to escape from...where exactly? He couldn't see anything, just a very small beam of light casted on the floor. 

And in this small beam, he saw the most terrifying creature of all time. Alec couldn't tell what it was, but it was enough to make him tremble again. He closed his eyes, hoping it would vanish - it only came closer. The DI felt this creepy presence again, slowly crawling up his back, preparing to finish its meal...

Suddenly, a familiar voice yelled: 


Alec opened his eyes, searching for the source. Then, the blonde girl from the hospital barged in the room, her hair flapping behind her. Without further explanation, she knelt down and untied the ropes with a pocket knife. He let out a sigh of relief as he could finally stand up, shooting her a thankful look: 

"Glad you came! Uhm, by the way..." 

His words were cut off as the girl grabbed his hand. 

"No time to explain. We have to get you out of here, now!"

And then, they ran. Alec couldn't tell how long, but it seemed to him that time flew by. His chest started to burn, forcing him to run faster and keep up with her. They were running through a long corridor, different doors on each side of the wall, leading to different rooms. Wherever he had been taken, all seemed normal to him - not like some kind of prison. He wished that they could stop right there, taking a further look in these rooms and what they may kept hidden...but there was no time. 

Alec just wanted to ask her where they were heading as the lightbulbs over their heads started to flicker. The girl stopped, gasping for breath. He could see the fear in her big hazel eyes, her voice was shaking: 

"Stay behind me. They are coming. Don't move!"

The DI was confused, VERY confused. Who was coming, what was that girl talking about? And why he shouldn't move?

At the next moment, it was clearly to see why. 

At the very end of the corridor stood a statue. Not any statue, not the ones you always could see in churches. It was an angel statue. Pretty strange, right? What was it even doing at a place like this? Was this a joke? 

It was made out of stone, its eyes covered. A second later, with the lights flickering once again, it moved. Or seemed to move. Now, it stood right in front of Alec, its frozen face no longer hidden. 

It was the most disturbing face he had ever seen. Still, he tried to do what the girl had told him.  He even could have sworn feeling a breath from that thing. But he had to focus. 

He could feel the sucking pain once more, wishing to stop. It waited for him to blink, making a wrong step. The girl stood next to him, grabbing his arm, her face completely pale. Yet, she was utterly strong and brave - gone was that shy girl from the hospital. And most important - she was utterly good at not telling her name. 

What could she know about someone like him? And who was she? Why she kept all this mystery from him? Heck, he couldn't wait to find out. 

His thoughts were interrupted as the sound of footsteps echoed through the corridor. Then, another voice called out: 


A man came in sight, his dark hair all disheveled. He was wearing a pinstriped suit and a long coat, almost similiar to Alec. He didn't pay attention on him as he smiled at the girl and almost sqeezed her hand. 

Were they in love? 

And before he realized what was happening, Alec Hardy was running again. 

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