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It's midnight again. Alec is back on the beach, the waves crashing against the shore. Same scene. Same time. Same place. No corpse. No CRIME SCENE - tape flapping in the wind. No crowd watching him. It is all the same. But yet - something is different. 

This time, the dark figure on the hills is gone. Ellie is with him instead, looking at the wild sea with her feet in the dark water. Her lip is sobbing altough it is so dark that you can't even see her. Or Alec. 

She's crying. Alec doesn't try to calm her down, he's tired. 

Utterly tired...

A single tear streams down her face as the golden energy kills every cell in his body. He doesn't scream. He doesn't feel. 

He just smiles. 

It's time. 

Alec shot up immediately, just to realize he wasn't in the hotel anymore. He was sitting in a hospital bed, the beeping sound of different monitors around him. The pain in his chest was gone and his heart was beating normal again. 10 beats in 0,01 seconds. Or had it been 9? He couldn't tell. 

He groaned, rubbing his forehead. This strange dream again, for the nearly third time this day...or yesterday??? His mind was still dizzy. 

Luckily, he could open his eyes wide enough to have a closer look. The room where he had been taken had white walls and one window from where you could see the beach. It had to be around midday, the sun casted its bright light over the shore and seagulls were circling in the sky. 

The second thing he noticed was the blonde girl. She sat in a chair next to the bed, watching the news blaring out of the little tv screen on the wall. Alec couldn't hear much, but he was very sure they talked about Danny Latimers case. He was a bit deaf from the anaesthetic still flowing through his body, making him unable to activate his senses. 

"Drink this." 

The girl had stood up from her seat, now bending over his body. She handed out a thermos to him, her big hazel eyes glowing. She had to be 19 years old, hadn't spoken one single word until now AND - 

How did she even know about him???

Alec first hesitated, but then he realized he hadn't drunk much the last 24 hours. So, he grabbed the bottle and took a long sip. It tasted a bit sour, but the DI didn't want to know further. 

After he was finished, the girl raised her voice again. She mumbled a bit while speaking, fiddling with her fingers. He didn't worry. 

"Tell me about your dreams, Alec!"

Okay, THAT had been unexpected. The whole time he had enjoyed listening to her, altough there had been just a few words. He didn't even know her, she could be everyone. Maybe she was some kind of therapist on vacation - a very young therapist. Throughout the years, he had been without this stuff cause he didn't need it...maybe, just maybe, that was the payback. 

Sighing in despair, Alec leaned back in the pillows. 

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