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It was seven in the morning as Alec dared to open his eyes. The sun was already there, rising behind the cliffs, casting its bright red light over his face. The DI sighed and looked at the little town beneath his feet, still sleeping. No sign of any activity humans used to do early in the morning...humans like him. Odd humans. Peculiar humans. 

If it really was right what The Doctor had explained to him - why he even was still here? 

Why he hadn't already stolen his spaceship and searched for others like him? Maybe they weren't all dead...Others who would accept him? Others who wouldn't shush when he entered the room? Others who would help him getting his memories back? 

Why he hadn't told Miller already? Didn't she need to know? He had to see her again - just for a moment. He had to know if she was all right, if there was something new about their case. He had to do it now

Ellie was very surprised about her colleague, showing up at her doorstep so early. His face was completely red from running and he leaned against the door, breathing heavily. As he opened his mouth, he struggled with the words. 

"Miller, I...I am so sorry for all what has happened. I know you are very angry, but...I...I have to tell you something. Something that maybe will leave you asking a lot of questions...don't worry...I feel the same..." 

Alec stopped, gasping. His colleague looked at him, slightly confused about his ripped clothes. But she didn't want to ask further, pulling him into a soft embrace. 

"You're back. I thought you were dead...for Gods Sake, never do that again. You understand?", she mumbled while tears begun streaming down her face. The DI smiled a little bit, at least one person had missed him. Despite of that, he couldn't help the oncoming thought in his head. 

Well, I almost was...

After a while, the DS wiped the salt out of her face. She couldn't tell her boss that she had trouble sleeping lately. She couldn't tell him that she always had the same dream over and over again where strange, metallic creatures wanted to kill her. Wanted to transform her. Transform her into one of them. He would just shake his head about this, telling her she needed a doctor - wouldn't he? But otherwise, she was his friend and friends never laughed about a story the other had told. 

Ellie swallowed hard and asked: 

"What do you want to tell me? Is there something new about Dannys murder, you seem having investigated on your own...I don't blame you for that, just your job and stuff...so, spit it out!"

Alec fiddled with his fingers, not knowing what to answer. Hours ago, he had been on an alien ship, kidnapped by an angel statue. He had almost been killed by a Dalek, saved by The Doctor who was an alien too...a humanoid alien called Timelord. He had figured out that he was one of them too - an alien. A Timelord, raised on Earth. That was his theory. 

And then Miller said he just should "spit it out"? Like nothing? This was serious, maybe even more serious than a murder. Well, not THIS murder, but it was definitely worth not to ignore it

So, he forced himself to open his mouth again. But the words coming out weren't exactly the same he had wanted to say. Anyway, this was actually the truth. Not the whole, but a beginning. 

"Miller...I...I'm sick. I have a weak heart. Sometimes I have attacks I can't control for something in my past I can't tell you right now. It comes over me when I just walk or want to have peace - it's just there. That's why I took the job here, to forget about my condition and just enjoy the rest of my maybe short life...I was in the hospital when you were alone with the Forensics. I'm sorry, I've left you...I had no choice...please promise me one thing: Don't tell anyone, okay? If that goes to the press, I can't stay here no longer. Promise!" 

Ellie didn't expect this. She just stood there, rubbing her palm. In the background, you could hear the noise of her kids and Joe getting up. Any moment now, her husband could spot them on the way to the kitchen. 

"I promise, but you have to leave now!", the DS said, pushing him out of the door on the sidewalk. Alec felt a bit overwhelmed, but he didn't hesitate to step back. Whispering a nervous"Goodbye", the door shut behind him. 

It took him a moment to swallow, then the DI made his way back to the TARDIS. While he was walking, he thought about his colleagues' strange reaction. It had been clearly to see that she was nervous. That she was hiding something from him too. And he hadn't seen. 

Heck, he was a very bad friend for not spotting those little signs. 

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