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Alec swallows hard, he doesn't reply at first. He just keeps staring at this kinda creepy man, calling himself The Master. Even if he can swear to God that he has never seen him before, he looks utterly familiar. Even more than The Doctor. He has to know what this is all about. Now. 

"C'mon, Alec!", The Master whispers, taking his hand. His grip is tight, not about to let go. That is when the DI starts sweating. Feeling uncomfortable. Again. He has to follow him if he wants to know the truth. And yet...at what cost? 

"Tell me what you want from me first.", Alec demands. His voice is shaking, his body feeling paralyzed. 


The Master turns his head so slow, like these dolls in horror movies. But this isn't a movie, this is reality - isn't it??? 

"I want you to listen!", he mumbles, grinning with insanity. His eyes are glowing, like the flaming red sun or the fire eating up the whole citadel. Alec can hear their screams yet again, their attempts to escape from the monsters from his nightmares. He closes his eyes for a moment, trying to focus on the mans' voice. Altough he doesn't want to. 

There is another sound echoing through his head, another yet familiar sound. A sound of distant drumming, four times at once. Four times...

Four knocks...

"Can you hear it, Alec?", the man says, bopping his head to the strange, paralyzing sound. 

"The Drums...can you hear them? So beautiful, aren't they? It's in my head as long as I can remember, it never lets go...oh, I love it. It brings destruction wherever it goes, the never ending drums, the drums...just listen, Alec. LISTEN..." 

He tries to avoid. He tries to not to listen. It is everywhere, spinning around his mind. Taking control. Stripping away his energy, drowning him. It hurts. It hurts so much...

But there...there are the strings again. Erupting out of his body, exploding in golden light all around him. The drumming vanishes as fast as it has come, The Masters' eyes widen in shock. 

"No...", he stutters, trying to use his powers again. They are gone. 

"What are you? Just stop this, I demand you...STOP!" 

His voice begs, tears filling his wild eyes. It is no use, the golden energy wraps its wires around his body. Strangling him. Killing him. 

He can't help it, it's just there. 

He just wants to sleep. Sleep and never wake up again. 

Never ever...

"Alec, it's me!", a soft voice made him open his eyes. His forehead was covered in sweat, running down his cheeks, like he just had finished a marathon. He was lying on the floor with Rose bending over him, looking worried. By the time he saw her, her beautiful face was immediately replaced with The Master, laughing mad. His heart began to race and a loud scream escaped out of his mouth, shaking. 

"Alec, it's okay. Just breathe. Breathe!" 

It worked and the DI calmed down in a few seconds, still trembling all over his body. Rose helped him getting back on his feet, closing her hand around his. Alec felt the familiar pain striking his body, hissing: 

"T-Take me to The Doctor. It's important...please!" 

Then, the colours of the room faded to black. 

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