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Later that day, Alec made a decision. He just had finished his lunch Rose had brought him from exploring the little town, now sitting next to him in the TARDIS. He felt like he hadn't eaten for centuries, fish and chips being a relief after that. Besides, he didn't really want to taste alien food. Anyway, it was better than nothing. 

The Doctor didn't look up as Alec finally turned to him, repairing something on the control panel. The different switches and levers were buzzing loudly. The DI wondered if the TARDIS ever was hurt which would explain her pilots' acting...but he didn't want to ask. 

"There you go, old girl!", the Timelord smiled, pressing a button on the consoles' left. The ship started to hum her happy song, as usual, her lights changing in a wonderful rainbow all over the giant room. Rose who just wanted to read another book jumped up in excitement, her eyes glowing. 

"It's beautiful!", she whispered, even Alec couldn't take his eyes off for a moment. The Doctor fixed his tie, clearly proud of himself and replied: 

"Thanks. Little bit of a magic trick, I guess...well!" 

He winked at Alec who was preparing to say his decision out loud. It wasn't a big deal, but he still feared what The Doctor would tell him about that. He had lost his home too and just wanted to forget by travelling the whole universe - and Alec wanted nothing more to come with him. He wanted to remember. He wanted to see something new, not just the usual view from his bedroom window. He wanted to start immediately. Right now. Just him, Rose and The Doctor. Off to the stars, to an unknown world. 

And maybe, just maybe, The Doctor could cure him from his condition. 

Just maybe...

"What is it, Alec?", he asked, smiling nicely as if nothing could make him uncomfortable right now. Not even his decision, harder to say than Alec had expected. Like everything he had witnessed. Like everything he had lost. 

Lost to the monsters from his nightmares. 

Finally, the DI cleared his throat: 

"Can you save a child?" 

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