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When reaching the station, the DI didn't waste time with greeting. He had a lot of work to do - that could be seen by the massive amount of files on his desk - and otherwise, it wasn't the right moment to start the day. While normal people started their day with fitness or a great breakfast, he only had to answer calls. Or even drinking hot coffee that could burn your tongue. 

Settling down in the chair, Alec sighed again. He had been absolutely right...nothing interesting. This sleepy town had absolutely nothing to investigate, there were much more cities - New York, London, Spain...anyway. He hadn't taken this job only for catching burglars or sorting out files. He hadn't taken this job only for sitting in an office all day. 

Maybe, just maybe, he needed some change. He needed activity. Something to do, something real. Something...exciting. 

He needed adventure. 

And yet, he couldn't wish for. It was time to face the truth: Another boring day, with another calls or files, another coffee unable to drink. 

Tapping his fingers on the metal desk before him, Alec put on his reading glasses. 

The earlier he started, the earlier he was finished. 

He just wanted to read the first sheet as his phone rang. Great...

Alec fished it out of his pocket and answered: 

"Uhm...hello? What's the problem?"

His scottish accent was clearly to hear through the phone, sometimes he even forgot it existed. At the other line, a nervous voice could be heard - very nervous, very female. 

"You need to come to the beach, NOW! They found something you should see...be there in a minute!"

Then, the caller hung up. 

Alec got overwhelmed with excitement. He couldn't tell if it had been a miracle or coincidence - but one thing he definitely knew: 

He finally had something REAL to do. 

Alec rushed out of his office and got in one of the police cars, placed in front of the building. He was driving so fast that he used the whole speedometer, arriving at the beach in less than 15 seconds. 

The first thing he noticed was the crowd of people, all gathered around red-white tape, distancing them from the crime scene. It was a hot summer morning, the waves were crashing and the cliffs rising above the sand, mixing with the breeze coming from the wild sea. 

Just a usual monday morning, wasn't it? Wrong!

They wouldn't have called him if there was nothing serious going on. 

The crowd stepped aside as the DI entered the beach, all having worried looks on their faces. He could feel his heart racing, his pulse going faster. He couldn't spot any familiar faces among them, not a single friendly face. 

Then, he saw the body. A young boy, maybe 12 years old, laid there in the sand. He had dark hair and wore a grey shirt, bruises all over his pale skin. It seemed like he had jumped from the cliffs, but his clothes were soaked with water - as if he had got drowned. 

He had been murdered. This boy, this innocent boy was dead. 


Alec swallows hard, his vision fading to black. Pain hits him like a car accident, needles driving through his chest. He can't breathe, tears filling his eyes. He's drowning. No, he's dying. It feels like drowning, just way harder. He's back at the beach, midnight. Same time, same dream. And yet different. 

The golden strings emerging from his body are the same. The massive pain. The feeling of dying. 

But - there's another. A dark figure is standing on the hills, watching him with no emotion. She doesn't even call for help. Like a statue, a sign for his death. 

He closes his eyes, doesn't refuse anymore. And before the golden energy takes over the pain, he hears a deep, wise voice whispering in his ear. 

"Facing Death is part of being human."

Where Waves crash and Journeys end (Doctor Who/Broadchurch)Where stories live. Discover now