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He's dreaming again. Dreaming about the beach, his beach. The place he only seems to visit in his imagination. And yet, it still feels real. He doesn't care about the others, what they would say about him and his behaviour. He knows this is it. This is where he belongs. 

Alec takes a step, his naked feet touching the muddy, wet sand on the ground. He can't remember taking his shoes off, but it's not that important right now. For now, it is just him and the open, blue sky above. 

He closes his eyes, letting the warm breeze blow through his hair. His senses grow sharper, he can smell the salt in the air and hear the sound of the waves in the distance. 

What a good feeling to be alive...

All of a sudden, there's the shift. The once blue sky gets painted pitchblack, thunder roaring in the distance. The waves have gone wild, crashing rapidly against the shore. Alec doesn't know at first what's going on, but then he hears this familiar, creepy tune. 


The Dalek comes out of nowhere, its deadly laser beam pointing at him. Alec begins to tremble again, he's totally helpless. No TARDIS, no safe shelter - no one can save him from those monsters. 

The same monsters who killed his parents. Why he never noticed that before? 

Tears are filling his eyes, he can't take it anymore. Fury starts to rise up in his chest, he clenches his fists. Whatever it takes, he'll finish them. All of them. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!", Alec shouts, raising his hand. The same golden light erupts from his body, hitting the Dalek with such power it doesn't even realizes. Sending it flying through the air where it smashes into pieces. Mere seconds before, the Dalek mumbles: 

"He will know...he already...knows..."

Then, the whole world turns white. 

Where Waves crash and Journeys end (Doctor Who/Broadchurch)Where stories live. Discover now