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The TARDIS turned out to be a lot bigger than Alec had expected. Since nearly 30 minutes, he was walking around and looked in every corner he could find. There was a library, a music room with a giant piano in it, a swimming pool and even a dressing room with the strangest clothes he had ever seen. But that wasn't the only thing Alec noticed - the ship was alive. It almost seemed to him that the TARDIS was breathing. If he just listened close enough, he could even hear it singing. Well, something like that. A distant humming rose from the deep of this odd, yet so beautiful machine while The Doctor was guiding it safe through the vortex. He even spoke to it, stroking bits of its metallic body, whispering in its ears. Alec couldn't really tell what to say about that. So he just continued his expedition, soon losing track of time. 

After a while, Alec joined Rose. He wanted to know more about her, how this Doctor and her had met, what the connection was between them. What he was. Cause to Alec Hardy, her friend didn't look human at all. He had the strange feeling this man was...just like him. Odd. Strange. 


So, she told him. It was a story, so unbelievable and tragical, it brought tears to Alecs usual emotionless face. And yet wonderful. He shared her sorrow, even if she was perfectly good at not showing her feelings. She was a strong young woman, forced to leave behind all her friends and family. Leaving everybody, just for spending the rest of her life with an Immortal. How cruel! And yet so brave...but she was completely okay with it. At least, she had somebody to love. She had a family, one who was still waiting for her to come back one day. She had a past she could remember. A past full of wonders and tragedies at the same time. 

Rose Tyler had seen all those things Alec never had. He was still alone. Left behind from a family he couldn't remember. He had ran away when things had been at risk. And after all those days, these months, these years, he was still running. Escaping from things he wanted to discover so bad that it was hurting. 


A distant ticking made Alec jump, fearing he would pass out again. His attacks were the reason he was so alarmed lately cause he couldn't tell when they would return. But if they would have returned, he could have fainted right here. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized the fobwatch, sticking out of his shirts' chest pocket. Frowning, Alec pulled it out and listened. The ticking grew louder, seeming to come from inside. Along with the familiar, strange whispers. 


He turned to Rose who was studying her book again. Couldn't she hear that? There it was again, growing louder and closer until it seemed the voice was talking right into his ears. 


What could that mean? It sounded ancient, like a long forgotten language spoken ages ago. It sounded like a hidden place, somewhere far away. Somewhere old. Somewhere beautiful and yet sinister. 

Maybe - just maybe...this watch wanted him to see something. To show him something - maybe from his past. Another piece of the endless riddle he had to solve. 

His fingers shaked, fumbling for the clasp. The circular symbols began to glow as the watch finally snapped open, revealing the same golden light from his dreams. Alec couldn't see because it was so bright, wrapping its strings around him like a soft embrace. 

It was so beautiful...

Suddenly, he felt tired. Utterly tired. He couldn't take his eyes away from this dazzling energy whatever he tried. He had to follow it. See where it would lead him to. 

See how it belonged to him. 

The voice was now so close that Alec didn't hear anything else. He even couldn't see what was happening around him. He couldn't see Rose' eyes widening in shock. He couldn't see the Doctor screaming Don't. He even couldn't see himself. Just the darkness surrounding him while he was falling into a deep puddle of blurry memories. 

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