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At first, he can't open his eyes because it's so dark around him. The paralysis in his mind grows weaker and weaker until Alec can finally breathe again. The golden strings around his body are gone, along with the watch they are trapped in, waiting to release another time. No sign of the TARDIS, his safe shelter and not even Rose. 

Nothing except darkness. 

Alec tries to get back on his feet, but something holds him back. A sharp pain, like thousand needles, goes through his leg and he has to clench his teeth to not to scream - it's broken. At least, that's the proof he's not dreaming at all...anyway. 

His legs feel a bit wobbly as he finally stands, but it could have been worse. 

Maybe, he could have been dead. 

Alec ignores the oncoming negative thoughts and takes a step. One, two. 


He doesn't know where he's going, but there has to be some light. Just a little bit.

His feet are taking him right into the deep darkness, thick fog surrounded by nothing. 

Nothing but...

Alecs heart jumps in joy as he finally catches a little glimpse of orange beams in the distance. He's running now, further and further where the fog finally lifts. The sight in front of him makes his happiness quickly fade away. 

It's not light what he has seen from far away - it's fire. Hungry flames are licking over the ruins of an once glorious, circular citadel, destroying everything on their way. People are screaming in fear, children are crying, men and women running. Hoping to find shelter from that what's hunting them. Just like him...

Alecs eyes are burning from the smoke, his face dripping from sweat. He witnesses the chaos all around him, why is there nobody to help them? Where's their shelter? 

And what is the danger they are running from? 

If only he could save just one being...just one...he hates watching them suffer. 


A creature comes crawling out of the fire, utterly different from that creepy angel statue. The flames are casting their hungry beams on its shining metallic body and on the black whisk where could have been a face. One eye is looking around, the whisk moving. 

Directly on Alec. 

He starts to shiver again, trying to back away from that robot thing. The creature just comes closer, focusing his blind gaze on him as if he's the one they're hunting. It yells again while a blue ray prepares to shoot right through his body. A death ray. 


Alec doesn't know what to do, he's frozen. So, he just spreads his arms and closes his eyes, waits for the pain hitting his body. This is the end. He'll finally die, with nothing than riddles unsolved. Truths unspoken. A case unsolved. 

He has failed. 

Waiting for death to come never took so long. 

All of a sudden, the golden strings are back. Not emerging from the watch, emerging from his body. Surrounding him like God himself. 

The Dalek hesitates. He sees the energy floating through this body, so powerful and yet dangerous. This man doesn't know a thing. And still - he has the power to control it, to destroy them all. More powerful than their real enemy. 

He'll be useful if he learns the truth some day. 


The Dalek feels time running out, is about to escape as the wave hits him. Him and his allies. A wave of pure golden energy, the most powerful in the whole galaxy. Even the flames are gone. 

Only a true warrior knows what to do with such a power...

Alec woke up, looking right in the furious eyes of The Doctor. His hands were still wrapped around the fobwatch, the circular symbols on the surface glowing under his warm touch. Rose stood next to him, shooting him a worried glance. 

"What have you done?", The Doctor barked, his voice sounding nervous. 

"You could have died, just for getting your hands on things you don't understand. This watch is very important to me, so why you have it anyway? Rose?" 

He turned to his friend who was fiddling with her fingers, like she had done in the hospital. Her innocent eyes were drenched with tears as she explained: 

"I...I just wanted him to have it. I don't know, like...an intention. He's special, Doctor! Very special...please forgive me!"

The Doctors once angry gaze vanished, being replaced with the usual smile. Alec could tell that he was a good man, even in those situations. He was a good friend. He finally knew why Rose Tyler had chosen him for eternity. 

"I forgive you!", he said, kissing her on the cheek. 

"You know, some day I could marry you...oh!"

The TARDIS shook again, signalizing him she was about to land. After a second, she settled down and her pilot opened the door, revealing familiar hills above a clear night sky. Alec couldn't believe one entire day had passed...and what about Ellie? She could have been worried sick... 

He would explain everything when he would see her again. Whatever he COULD explain. 

"Your friend's fine!", The Doctor said, scanning the hills in front of him. The sky was totally clear, not a single cloud to be seen. Not even stars. 

"Pity, I hoped there would be stars..." 

He sighed dreamily, the sigh of someone who had seen anything. A sigh of someone who was lonely. The loneliest person in the universe. 

Finally, The Doctor looked back at Alec: 

"After all, you've seen already - I think we need to talk!"

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