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Altough he didn't trust her, Alec told her everything. He told her about his childhood, how he had woken up in the middle of the night, screaming. He told her about the beach, the dark figure on the hills, the golden light erupting from his hands. The voices in his head. He told her it would return every night since he had moved here, no stopping. Making him bathed in sweat, faint. He didn't mention a name, not even Ellie. He didn't mention his heart issues. He didn't mention anything worse. 

And yet, the girl seemed to know something he didn't. She was a good listener, didn't interrupt him for possible questions. Alec almost expected her to take notes or something, but there wasn't anything to see in her hands. She just sat there in silence, knowing that every sound would make him struggle with the words. She hadn't even mentioned her name, but that wasn't necessary anymore. 

For the first time in months, Alec could get everything off his chest he had been afraid of. He had someone who listened to him, whatever he told, nobody making jokes. And yet...he felt like the girl was hiding something from him. Maybe...just maybe...she knew the truth. 

After he was finished, the girl nodded. Silence fell between them once more, making Alec uncomfortable. He wanted to say something more, ask her why he had to tell her. But his mouth was running dry, so he took another sip from the thermos. 

Then, he finally could speak: 

"Why do you want to know all this? Who are you? And - how did you know I needed help?" 

The girl smiled a bit, warm and yet desperate. She pulled something out of her pocket - something so mysterious and shiny that it almost dazzled Alecs eyes. 

It was a fobwatch. But not any ordinary fobwatch like in the 1900s. It was made out of golden metal, with strange circular symbols drawn on the surface. She gave it a longing kiss before handing it out to him as if this watch had belonged to someone she had left a long time ago. He even thought seeing tears in her glowing eyes. 

As Alec grabbed the watch, he could feel something. Something flowing through his whole body, his cells, his heart, his lungs. A long forgotten beat, a sound of extraordinary things. He closed his eyes and heard another voice...a soft tune, whispering in the distance. 

I am the Doctor.

Immediately, Alec was back in reality. The hand still wrapped around the watch, he started to shake. He felt hot, barely breathing. He couldn't understand. He wanted to ask the girl what did it mean and what exactly he had to do with it - but she was gone. Vanished as if she had never existed. Left him with more secrets than he had bargained for. 

Before he drifted back to sleep, the deep familiar voice revealed a name to him. He didn't know if it was the girls' name, he only knew it sounded as strange as the other things they had whispered. And while his vision became blurry, a distant drumming sound could be heard in his mind. Along with the name. 

Bad Wolf...

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