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In her dreams, Rose kept wandering the halls of the TARDIS. She often did that, without exactly knowing why. Altough it wasn't real, she felt a sudden urge to explore the big ship on her own. Maybe it just reminded her of her childhood, sauntering through the house on her little naked feet with no one stopping her. She always had imagined going somewhere unknown, exploring the secrets beyond. She always had been a dreamer. She always had wished meeting someone like her...curious and with a wide imagination. She always had dreamt about escaping her ordinary life with a boring job, experiencing something new. With meeting The Doctor, everything had changed. 

She hadn't been prepared for that day. She hadn't been prepared getting thrown in the biggest adventure of her life, along with everything she had ever wanted. She hadn't been prepared to fall in love with him. After all this time, Rose would have known. The way he had looked at her when telling her to run. The way he had blushed when being at her side. The way he had kissed her, trying to free her from the entity slowly eating her from the inside. The way he had spoken her name. 

It had been clearly to see he couldn't live without her. He wouldn't have brought her back from this island, in change for John to die lonely. He wouldn't have regenerated for her, even if he had to. He wouldn't have died multiple times only for waking up with a new face, telling her he always was the same. Always would be. 

She wouldn't have trusted him since Run. It had been her decision to leave all her memories behind if only she could be happy. And since that day, Rose Tyler hadn't regretted one thing. She was the happiest young woman on Earth, being together with a man she had always wanted. Everything was all right. 

So...why she couldn't stop thinking about Alec Hardy?

Not knowing where her feet dragged her, Rose slipped out of the TARDIS door. Her mind couldn't tell if it was still a dream or she was awake, so it left her alone. The cold night breeze made her body shiver, playing with the blonde streaks of her hair. As she went up the hill, she could see a figure lying on the grass. It was Alec. Sleeping, peaceful Alec. Beautiful Alec. 

Rose just stood there, listening to his breaths before settling down next to him in the soft grass. She could hear the silent beats of his heart, always hoping not to pass out. She could feel his warm breath, along with his voice sleeptalking: 


She stroked his cheek, letting him know that he had nothing to fear. Her eyes began to glow while the Bad Wolf came in sight, raising its old, ancient voice. 

"Hush, little Timelord! Don't be afraid of those things you cannot explain. Don't be afraid of those who want to do Good to this world. Don't be afraid of dying. Don't be afraid of those who want to harm you. I know you are strong. You're as brave as the heart of time itself, wiser than The Doctor ever will be. You need to accept what you really are, little Timelord - people need you. I need you...your friend needs you. Don't be afraid, this is only the beginning of a long long journey..."

Rose gasped in shock as the entity finally left her body, still shivering. She had to find a way to control it, otherwise it would be too much. Otherwise, she would die. 

Otherwise, she would never be able to see anybody of her friends again. 

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