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"I used to build dreams about you."

Jane hated going on missions, it annoyed her to no end. She preferred staying home, the outside world reminded her too much of her human life, other vampires treated her like she was treated back then. But now she knew how to defend herself, and so did Alec, they didn't need anyone anymore.

Ever since they left Forks, her brother had been pretty shaken up, she was slightly too but of course did not show it, just the sight of her old friend brought back so many memories. A shudder went through her the more she thought about those memories.

Around the 800's A.D.:

Jane was next to the pond gathering wood, she looked up at her brothe, who resided in a tree with a worried look. He cocked his head to the side at her questioningly, and jumped on his feet with less than a stumble.

"What's wrong sister."

"Melione hasn't arrived yet, she's never late, I'm starting to get worried."

"Don't worry Jane, she is probably doing...Melione stuff." He answered with a shrug, he wasn't as worried as his sister, thinking she was probably pulling another stunt to scare them.

Jane shook her head and continued on her task, "Do you think we'll ever be able to leave this place Alec?"

"Yes," he replied with no hesitation, "One more month, and I'll get us out of here, with mother and Melione if she agrees, we'll start over somewhere new, grow old and have our own families."

Jane chuckled, "You love her a lot don't you?"

"I do, it drives me crazy how much she can make me feel with just one touch."

"I wonder if I'll ever meet someone that makes me feel like that." She stated dreamingly.

"You will, I'm sure of it."

And then a loud scream echoed through the woods coming from the village, a scream they both knew very well, "Lionne." They both spoke in unison, the urgency was obvious as Jane dropped the wood, both of them racing off towards her cries...and their mothers.

As they ran into the village they immediately saw Melione surrounded by the villagers. "Let go of me! Let go! Jane! Alec!" She screamed, flailing and twisting and crying failing to fight off the large men holding her on her knees.

"Tell us were the witches are and we'll let you go." Answered the priest standing at the front of the large group of people.

"Leave her alone!" Alec was now fighting through them, alas never that much of a fighter he quickly had a rope tied tightly the neck, the big men let go of Melione as she was no use to them anymore, and went over to Jane and started dragging her towards the town square.

"Stop it!" Screamed Mel, shoving a man over who was too preoccupied to notice her. She then started running towards the village, promising herself to save her lover and best friend.

Things though, never work out the way we wish them to, she pushed through the villagers that had now tied the twins to a stake and got ready to burn them.

"Enough!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, causing everyone to stop and look at her, "They never did anything to you! You are all fools to believe that they are witches!"

"She is probably pregnant with the witches child!" Bellowed the priest as the villagers started chanting "Burn her!" Over and over again. She was soon dragged and thrown at the feet of Alec who was screaming at them to leave her be.

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