Where Is She?

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Joe's POV:

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I partied a little too hard last night. I got up and splashed some cold water on my face and made my way out to the kitchen. I turned on the coffee pot and leaned against the counter staring at the pictures of Kyla and I on the refrigerator. I half smiled and looked at the little wooden bowl on the bar and pulled out my half of the necklace I gave her. I hadn't worn it in months...not that she would notice. I glanced at the clock on the stove and saw that it was around 10:30. I looked around the family room and then poked my head into the living room. Normally she was up long before now and sitting in one of these rooms. I poured myself a cup of coffee and stood there realizing that I was a complete asshole to her yesterday. I shouldn't have made the comment about her not seeing me for months.

I stared down the hall waiting for her to come out of the bedroom so I could apologize for the comment. I'd been so distant and cold to her since her follow up appointment. Reality is that I wish she'd just leave, but I also know she has no where to go. I can't be with her anymore. I don't feel anything when I'm with her. And when I look at her it's just blank...I don't see Kyla anymore.  I finished my cup of coffee and and made my way down the hall to the closed bedroom door. I politely knocked and waited for a response. 

"Kyla. Can I come in?"

I sat and waited and assumed she was still asleep or she was ignoring me. I knocked again and slowly opened the door. The curtains were still closed and she wasn't in bed, but the bathroom door was closed. I got a horrible pit feeling in my stomach and I slowly opened the door, but she wasn't there either. I suddenly felt a sense of panic realizing that she was not in this house and that she is blind. I went all over the house looking for her and she was no where to be found. I went into the bedroom and called Corey, but he hadn't heard from her. Chances are he's going to give me a huge lecture later. SHIT! Where is she!?!?!?! I called Josh and Jon and asked them to come and help me out. Things between us were really bad and pretty much over, but I didn't want her wandering around alone somewhere because of something I said that I didn't even mean. Something in me clicked and I had a feeling I knew where she was, but there was no way

Jon's POV:

I carefully slid away and covered Kyla with a sheet. I got dressed, closed the door, grabbed my phone and was just about to call Joe when he called me

"Hey I was just about to call you. We need to talk"

"Stupid question, but is Kyla with you?"

"Yes she is actually. She showed up on my doorstep last night around 2am."

"How? She's blind...how did she get there? Did you come pick her up or something?"

"No, she took a cab to the airport and bought a ticket and flew here and then took a cab to my house."

"Jon...she's blind...she can't do that kind of stuff."

"OK look I don't really care what you think. She's staying with me for a while. I'm not sending her back to you so you can treat her like shit and ignore her. What is wrong with you? How could you make that comment to her? She loves you...or loved you."

"Fine she can stay with you forever for all I care. I'm done. I can't do it anymore. You'll see what I mean shortly."

"Just stop alright. Look when we get to the arena on Friday you're going to be bringing me some of her stuff. Just whatever you can pack in a suitcase.  And then you can tell me what the fuck your problem is."

I hung up the phone and went back down to the bedroom. I walked in the door and she was still fast asleep. I didn't want to wake her, but I had a surprise for her that I was able to work out. I sat down on the edge of the bed and kissed her shoulder. She stirred and partially sat up


"Yes. Hey Ky...look um...I think you and Joe aren't together anymore. I called to let him know you were here and uh...he basically said he's done with you. I'm sorry sweetie."

I pulled her to me and hugged her. She didn't really seem to mind much, but I think deep down she already knew.

"SO Ky I have a surprise for you. Get dressed and we'll get going."

She grinned from ear to ear and I handed her her clothes. She got dressed and I helped her out to the living room. My door bell rang and I answered

"OK Ky...do you remember Renee Young?"


"Well, she is one of my friends and I asked her to come and take you out to go shopping and be girly."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course. It would be weird if I went. I don't know the first thing about shopping for that stuff.  So I know you don't know her, but I trust her and she's very nice. I promise you'll have fun."

"Where are you?"

I walked over and stood in front of her and took her hand.  She pulled herself up and threw herself against me.

"Thank you.  Thank you so much."

"You're welcome Kyla. You deserve it. I'm doing it because I love you and care about you. I want you to be happy for a change."

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