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3rd Person:

" You know what im talking about,
Wake up right know,
You gotta wakey! " Jaemins alarm rang loudly.

Yes, Jaemin set his alarm as Wakey Wakey by NCT127. He thought it was fitting as he had to wake up early for school.

Jaemin woke up at the chorus part as it was loud and attention catching. Jaemin started to toss and turn in his bed, he thought he should just quickly wake up so he wouldnt get scolded by his teacher, Mr Lee.

After Jaemin washed up, he picked a simple outfit. It was a nice pink hoodie and black skinny jeans.

Jaemin went out of his house and straight to the small cafe called Neocafe. He thought it was a cool name since its colour scheme was shades of green but had a nice mix of black, baige and brown to keep that warm, cozy feel.

It was a short 6 min walk to the cafe. When he entered, he noticed that there was a new employee. Jaemin would come to the same cafe for as long as he remembered and would oder the same coffee. There were some times he would order the new drink on the menu for the fall season, but that was really it.

" Hi there! " Jaemin said while flashing his bright smile.

" O-oh, hi t-there. What would like to o-order s-sir? " The new employee stuttered.

Jaemin thought his stuttering was kinda cute, WHAT, Jaemin this is just a regular employee why are you thinking these things!?! he thought.

" I would like the Iced Americano, no water just ice and could you also add 4 shots of espresso. Thank you. "

" u-umm sir, dont you think that thats too much coffee? Are you sure "

" Nahh, its ok im used to it "

Jaemin knew that it was way too much coffee for someone his age, but that was what he has ordered since the beginning of time. So he didnt really care.

But he was surprised that the employee actually asked. When the other employees took Jaemins order, they just gave him a bit of a weird look, but didnt ask.

" Are you sure sir? "

" Yes ill be fine " Jaemin gave his best reassuring smile.

The employee then just wrote his order down and gave it to the barrista.


Hey i hope you liked the first chapter!

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- Stay, Blackpink

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now