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Jenos POV:

" Jeno ya, you've worked hard enough today. You can go home early!" Kun, the manager of the cafe, said.

" Thanks hyung, see you tommorow!"

I walked home that day feeling extremely bubbly, all i wanted to do is chat with Jaeminie for the rest of the day.

At Jenos apartment:


Lucky for me, the moment i entered my room, i recieved a notication from none other than the bunny Jaemin. My heart started to beat way faster than it should just from a notification.

Ok Jeno, you got this. Just start up a normal conversation with him.

I read the text, it said

" Hey Nono~
I hope you can reply quickly❤"

This Jaemin, for gods sake. Was he born as a master flirter?

Hey Nono~
I hope you can reply quickly❤

Hey Nana!

I decided to give him nickname too.

Cute nickname!
But Nono will always be cuter,
just like youu~

I literally dropped my phone at this. I CANT DEAL WITH THIS, HE CALLED ME cUtE!1!1

In the middle of my mental breakdown, i heard another 'Ding!' from my phone.

Hey since im done with all my school

And im hella bored.....

Can i come over? I mean only if allow.

I couldve have sworn i had an actual heart attack. Without much thought, i quickly typed something out.

Shared location

I mentally face palmed myself, how tf did i even stutter in text?

Ill be over in about fifteen mins,
you live quite near to me ngl.

See you Nono💖

See you!



Hearts are probably too much, i should get ready.

I put on a white sweater and some sweatpants. I ruffled my hair and put on some lip balm. I just wanted to look presentable tbh.

Fifteen minutes later:

I heard my doorbell ring, it was probably Jaemin. So i looked in the mirror one last time to check if i looked fine, then i went to unlock the door.

" hi Nono ah~"

" h-hey Nana, c-come in!"

Ugh i just had to stutter, didnt i.

"nice house!"

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now