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" hahahaha, you cwant cath mwee!"

" thiz iznt fwairr"

Jaemin chuckled at the sight of his two lovely children, Hyejoo and Eunbi.

" cmon stop fighting and give papa a hug" Jeno said, arms open wide.

Once the kids were in his arms, he enthusiastically said,

" both of you better stop playing, you need save up your energy cause were going to go visit Chaeryeong, Jinyoung and Yangyang!"

" reolli, awll of them?" the two asked in unison with a surprised tone.

"yes, all of them!" Jeno answered with his iconic eye smile.

Lee Chaeryeong was the daughter of Chenle and Jisung, she was the youngest of the bunch as well. Bae Jinyoung was the son of Mark and Haechan. And Liu Yangyang was the son of Renjun and Sicheng, he was the oldest but still an uwu baby.

All of them were friends with Hyejoo and Eunbi, they would play together often. But recently all the parents schedules were packed to the brim so they havent seen each other in a long time.

They would always hear their kids saying,

" i wanna plway wif Jinyoung and the rwest" and

" i mwiss Chaeryeong and everwyone"

So they all came up with a plan where they could have one day where they would clear up their schedule to let their kids see each other.

Right now, the two hyper active kinds were jumping up and down and doing small victory dances, completely ignoring Jenos warning. But the married couple didnt do anything to stop them, it was just too cute.

Soon, the whole entire gang gathered at Jisungs house since it would most troublesome to bring Chaeryeong around as she was quite chaotic.

Jaemin, Jeno, Hyejoo and Eunbi were the last to arrive. So when the rest of the kids saw the sisters, they immediately ran over and gave them a group hug. The parents couldnt help but coo at the adorable sight. The children exchanged 'hi's and 'i missed you's to each other then started playing blocks, their favourite.

" its been a hot minute since i seen you guys" Jisung started the conversation.

" when did start talking so formally?" Haechan teased playfully.

" oh shut up" the latter rolled his eyes, secretly hiding the fact that hes happy to see Haechan the same as ever.

" so how have yall been?" Mark asked.

" well Jisung and I have been busy with our jobs and taking care of Chaeryeong. As you know im working a business man so it gets stressful" Chenle said, letting out a small sigh.

" dont worry baby, you got me so youll be fine!" Jisung said while back hugging his husband.

" ugh, go away, you dont even do the dishes" Chenle whined, hitting the latter on his arm.

" blegh, stop being so lovey dovey in front of my salad" Renjun faked vomiting.

" not like you dont flirt with Sicheng every two seconds" Jaemin defended his favourite dongsaengs.



Nobody ever knows why Jaemin and Renjun argued so much, its not like they hate each other, they like each other very much. But they still fight each other, however never physical, they were too classy for that. But there was one time Renjun did theathend to break Jaemins ankles.

" oh my lord, babe stop" Sicheng said, holding Renjun back from Jaemin although he knows that he wouldnt actually hit him.

" he just insulted my relationship with youuuu" Renjun pouted cutely. That made Sichengs heart melt like ice cream.

" its ok, you and i know i love you regardless" Sicheng said softly that made Renjun blush a little.

" hey! Jeno show them that were cuter!" Jaemin yelled as he gave Jeno puppy eyes.

" ummm... yea i love you, alot" Jeno stuttered nervously as he didnt know what to say.


" what dwos fwuck mwean?" Jinyoung asked curiously.

" OH MY GEE, ummm, it means nothing, hahahha, dont say it or else no more candy!" a panicked Mark replied.

" Jaemin what have you done, what if my son says the word again, people are going to think were horrible parents!" Haechan shouted, shooting daggers into the pink hair male.

" whoops, hahahahhha" Jaemin laughed awkwardly and left the scene to go to his daughter, dragging Jeno along as well.

" i feel like we are the only normal couple here" Jisung chuckled at the chaotic. Everyone would have thought the children would be more chaotic, well they thought wrong.

At this point Jinyoung went back to his room. But after some peace and quiet, Jaemin went to ruin it.

He ran into the kitchen, where the group of friends were in just now, of course dragging Jeno along.

" guys, something happened, all of you come!" he whispered shouted. Jeno nodded excitedly in agreement, hand pointing to Chaeryeongs bedroom, where the kids were playing.

" ugh lets just go, we dont wanna argue with Jaemin, its like talking to a wall" Renjun said still a tad bit annoyed. What he said gained an agreeing nod from Haechan.

Jaemin gave the two a deadly glare before leading the gang to the place.

Jaemin quietly and carefully opened the door, not before telling the rest to be extremely quiet. All of them agreed though being confused.

" quietlyyy..."

He opened the door for everyone to see all their kids on Chaeryeongs bed, huddling together because of the small space. The kids were all tired from the fun of playing toys. Soft snores and the sound of Chenle trying not to screech was the only thing heard.

Jaemin pushed everyone out of the room and started making fan-boying noises together Chenle, Haechan and Renjun. Sicheng, Mark, Jisung and Jeno were watching.

" that was super cute, what the fuck" Mark said, still smiling like an idiot about the adorable scene.

" you dont say" Haechan said, rolling his eyes. " OF COURSE ITS THE CUTEST EVER"

" ikr uwuwuwuwuuwuwu" Jeno added.

" omg, i uwu at you more Nono!"

" no, i do!" Now the pair were hugging, not caring about the looks the others were giving them.

You know what the funny thing is? All this wouldnt have happened if Jeno hadnt have realised that Jaemin had too much coffee, way too much coffee.

~The End~


Wow this book was a rollercoaster to write, but its still shit lol.

불어 봐 candle light, candle light, candle light, baby
함께해 준 모든 날 고맙다는 뜻이야
-Candle Light, NCT Dream

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now