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( god Jeno spare me )

Jaemin POV:

Ever since Jeno broke into my house and made me realise how much of a dumbass i was in the first place, we have been spending much more time together. And day by day, my love the Nono becomes stronger and stronger. My love for him is probably limitless.

He said i returned back to normal, chirpy self. And i do agree. However, when i was on my breakdown period, i was back on my bad habit of drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee a day. But that time no one was there to stop me. But when Jeno came to my rescue, he slapped some sense into me.

Today he found and now he was scolding for basically injecting caffine into my veins.

" I TOLD YOU NOT DRINK SO MUCH" he yelled, angry and disappointed.

" well, i was just tired, i had to!" i yelled back, but not as loud as Jeno.

" but that doesnt give a good excuse to drown yourself in caffine!" he lowered his voice, but still sounded and looked furious at me.

" but-"

" dont you know all the health risks from this much caffine, i just dont wanna see you sick or hurt..." his voice became softer with each word. I could see his eyes glistening with tears, it was obvious he was trying to hold them back.

Guilt shot me through my heart like an arrow. Seeing Jeno hurt brought tears to my eye as well. Ugh, only if you had more self control, Jaemin.

Go do something Jaemin! My thoughts were screaming at me but my body wasnt doing anything.

Finally when i saw a small pearl like tear roll down his face, was when i snapped out of my daze.

" no, Nono dont cry, please. Im sorry, ill have more self control next time, i will do anything to make it up to you" i said sweetly while hugging him tightly.

" i know all you have are good intentions, you dont have to cry because of  my wrong doings. It isnt fair" i continued when he wasnt saying anything.

After a few seconds, he hugged back. It was like all the warmth and coziness was brought upon me. I let out a small sigh of relief, luckily Jeno doesnt put up long grudges.

"  fine i forgive you idiot. But you will take better care of your health from now on, promise?" he looked up at me, eyes a little red and still pouting. It was a kinda cute.

" i promise" i assured, smiling sweetly. I take his hand and looped my pinky finger around his.

He smiled back. He went back to snuggling his face in my chest like a puppy cuddling with its owner. You know what, thats a good idea!

" cmon, i wanna cuddle with my puppy" i pulled him away and booped his nose.

" cawwy mee~" he whined playfully while making grabby hands. It was wayyyyyy too cute to ignore.

I used all my strength and picked him up, yea he was heavy, but if i told him that it would hurt his feelings so i just kept it to myself. Or maybe it was just my weak ass.

He wrapped his legs around the bottom part of my torso and rested his head on my shoulder. I walked slowly and carefully cause if i hurt Jeno, i would never be able to forgive myself. Hes too precious, even more precious than a rare diamond.

I carefully sat him on my bed and got on myself. I pulled him in between my legs and back hugged him.

" you tired?" i asked softly before placing a small kiss on the edge of his jawline.

I could see blush forming his face, it was so fucking adorable.

" not really" he replied.

Then i suddenly thought of something.

" then what you wanna do?" i whispered into his ear, then proceeded to nibble it. My hands roaming on thigh.

Not going to lie, i was getting a bit excited. Jeno was not only cute, but he was also really hot, like god level hot.

Him tensing up let me know that everything was working.

" u-uh, how a-about a m-movie?" he stuttered.

" nah, i wanna do something more... exciting"

His face was completely red now, his heavy breathing was getting me hard.

" ok, i wont drag this any longer. Wanna fuck?" i asked firmly. I tried to make my voice as hot as possible, but i probably sounded like them shitty tiktok fuck boys.

" s-sur-re" i heard him gulp.

" ill make sure you feel really good" i whispered before biting the side of his neck.


Yep its off screen, i already told you im not comfortable writing smut lol.

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