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This morning, Jaemin came to the cafe again, obviously for his coffee. But unlike Jaemin, Jenos is home schooled. So he can study whenever he wants to, he just has to complete it before the day ends.
( a/n i really dont know how home school works so sorry if i get anything wrong )

Once Jeno got home, he started home school. Actually Jeno is doing pretty good in school, getting acceptable grades, stuff like that.

Today, his school work is a little lesser than usual. So after he finished he decided to text Renjun, asking if they could hang out.

Hey Junnie, do u have free
time to hang out.

I already finished my work.


Sure why not
Where tho

Oh yea, how bout the park

I heard that the flowers are blooming
around this time.


Sure, see you.

Jeno looked at the time, 4:37. He still has alot time to get ready. After picking out demin jacket with a white tshirt and blue jeans, he went onto twitter to see if theres anything new.

He scrolled until it was 6 mins to 5, he put on a cap and went out to meet Renjun.

At the park:

Jeno saw a small figure with silver hair and figured it was his best friend.

" Junnie!"

" oh hi hoe"

Jeno glared at the smaller and he just glared back but soon started laughing as they couldnt take each other seriously.

" wanna sit at a bench and talk?" Renjun suggested.

Jeno hummed a 'yes' and followed Renjun to a empty bench.

" sooo... how are things going with you and Sicheng hyung?"

Renjun eyes lit up with tiny stars, he really loves his Sichengie, like loves him alot.

" amazing, actually we are planning to go on a dinner date this friday!"

" good for you!"

" anyways how long did the cafe boy visit you?" Renjun asking, changing the subject.

" about a day and half"

" even at night?! So he slept with you? Wow who knew the single ass Jeno would get dick" Renjun teasingly said.

" wtf you mean nothing happened. We just met, we wouldnt do the nasty, cause im not as whore as you" Jenos face was painted a slight pink, but still stood his ground.

" fyi, im not whore and so what at least im more productive" Renjun proudly retaliated.

" anyways, cafe boy-" Renjun continued but was interupted.

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now