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" i have a cafe in mind, its not the one you work at"

" ok, i just wanna breakfast. Im so hungryyyy"  Jeno whinned while pouting cutely.

" aISHHS, so cute!~" Jaemin said in a fanboy kind of voice.

Jeno just rolled his eyes. Even though he only hung out with Jaemin for a short time, he has gotten used his bullshit.

They started to walk to the cafe Jaemin wanted to eat at.

" we're here!"

" wow kinda fancy, are you sure? i bet your poor ass cant afford these kind of stuff"

" psshhh, what are you talking about? I have an extrmely rich friend so i can just borrow from him if i need to. So it doesnt really matter"

They walked in to be greeted by one of the waiters.

" good morning sirs, how many people will there be?"

" oh just the two of us" Jaemin flashed his bright smile.

Jeno could have sweared his heart skipped a beat at the sight of it, but he was a little jealous as the smile wasnt at him.

The waiter led them to their seats. They started to decide what to order.

" pancakes look really good" Jeno said.

" then lets get it, ill get the chocolate one and you get the strawberry one, ok?" Jaemin replied.

Jeno nodded his head and signaled for the waiter.

While waiting for the food, Jeno had an idea.

" hey Jaemin, lets take a slefie!"

" sure!"

Jaemin shifted closer and wrapped his arm around the latters waist. Jeno tensed up but controlled himself to not panic gay, he just wanted to take a good selfie.

Jeno set a 3 second timer and held up a peace.




However, just at the 3rd second, Jaemin leaned in and kissed Jenos cheek.

'chakkah!' the photo was taken.

" YAH, what was that for!?!?" Jeno shouted, while being a blushing mess. The pair got a few weird looks from other customers and employees.

" what i just wanted to kiss you in the selfie, is there anything wrong with that?" Jaemin winked, making the other blush an even darker, deeper red.

" whatever hoe"

" whats with that language?" Jaemin fake gasped.

Jeno just rolled his eyes again. He checked the photo he took. It an extremely blurry picture, it still captured the kiss but had Jeno flinging the other direction. Obviously in panic gay.

" nice pic, be sure to send it to me" Jaemin requested.

At that moment, their pancakes arrived. It looked super delicious!!1!1 ( in Jungwoos voice ).

While eating Jeno has been eyeing Jaemins chocolate pancakes. Yea, he enjoyed his strawberry one, but he also wanted to try the other one.

" can i have a bite?" Jeno asked while smilling sheepishly.

" sure Nono"

Jeno was about the use his fork and knife the cut a piece of Jaemins pancake but was suddenly stopped.

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now