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Jenos POV:

Again? He hasnt visit the cafe for a whole week. Hes not replying to my texts and not answering my calls, i wonder if hes ok.

Ive been missing Jaemin these few days, but i cant just go to his house without permission, or maybe i could, hmmmm...

For the whole day at work i couldnt get Jaemin out of my head. Thoughts like 'what if hes not ok?', 'does he hate', 'did i do sometging wrong?' ran through my head like a marathon.

I was so distracted that i even got a customers order wrong, and of course i got a tongue lashing from that bitch.

" again, i am deeply sorry miss"

" i dont care! Im never coming here ever again, the service here could be compared to shit!"

That was the last thing she said before storming out of the cafe.

After work:

" Jeno ah, its the end of your shift. But can i ask you something"

" yes Kun hyung?" i gulped, he looked scary when hes serious. I hope it wasnt much.

" these fow days you were so unlike yourself, you often stare into space, and you even lost a customer. Im not scolding you, but please keep it together, tomorrow i expect you to not mess up, is that ok?" he said softly, yet seriously.

" yes hyung" i answered, hanging my head low.

" well ok then, see you tomorrow" he waved goodbye.

I waved back and went back home.

At home, i decided to try texting Jaemin again. Though it hasnt worked the other times, i couldnt give up.

Jaemin are u ok?

Youve been purposely ignoring me,
did i do something wrong?


I know youre there dumbass, please
tell what i did wrong or who made u this way

Im fed up with this motherfucker, im breaking into his house and thats that.

I didnt bother to change, i put on a coat and grabbed my phone and head out.

Soon, i arrived at Jaemins house. First i knocked on the door and ringed the doorbell. But he didnt answer. I was starting to get fustrated so i ended up banging at the door loudly.


This isnt gonna work, ugh that stubborn bitch. I started looked high and low for a spare key.

" ah, jackpot!" i said as i picked up a key that was hidden under the shoe rack.

I quickly unlocked the door and ran to Jaemins room.

" YAH JAEMIN, WHY- oh what happened?"

I saw Jaemin curled up in his blankets, eyes puffy from crying, his eyes was screaming heartbreak. Who tf did this?!?

" J-jaemin, are you ok? What happened?"

He didnt answer, he just turned to face the other side. I knew i had to do something, seeing Jaemin like this broke my heart.

I laied beside him and back hugged him, hey i make a pretty good spoon, wait this is not the time.

" Nana i dont know who hurt you, but you can trust me. I dont want to see you like this, ever."

" I-i, just"

I hugged him tighter, letting him know that everything will be fine.

" its just, i love you Jeno, not as just friends but something more. But you already have her, i j-just couldnt take being rejected like that. I dont hate you or her, its nothing like that. I just..."

Jaemin didnt finish his sentence, he probably didnt know how to word it. I can understand, i suck at wording things too.

Not going to lie, i was taken aback by his words, where did he get the idea i liked Moonbyul romantically? I couldnt help but let a small giggle.

" why are laughing dumbo fumbo?"

" ya know Moonbyul is just a friend right? And im gay...." i paused for a second.

" specifically for you" i said after taking a short pause.

" wait what?" he turned to face me.

" yea... i love alot" i cupped his face, and squeezed his kinda puffed cheeks.

" i was just too much of a pussy to tell you. Everything to your smile, your voice, your stubborn yet adorable personality. Every inch of you from the top of your head to your toes is perfect. Again i love you" i said sweetly, honey basically dripping off my words.

" But ya know, ive been a bit hurt cause youve been ignoring me. So you wanna hang out, or maybe even go on a date, to make up for the time weve been away."

Ugh im so mcfucking corny and cringy.

" yeah lets go to a restaurant!" the bunny replied excitedly, slightly blushing.

Hearing Jaemin happy was like hearing angels, claming and relaxing, yet can put you in a good mood anytime.

" mood swing much" i rolled my eyes, playfully poking the other.

" ugh hurry up i just want food, also help me clean my house. Its smells lile a sewer in here" he snapped jokingly.

After 20 mins:

I helped Jaemin clean up his place, cause it literally looked like a trash can. We decided to go to Yoonkookie which is a lamb skewer place. I heard their food was delicious and the owners are also really nice, seems like a perfect place for a date.

" Cmon Nana, lets go~!" i said enthusiastically

"Yayyyy!" he said as he intertwined our fingers.

I could feel my face heat up from the touch of our hands, its like they were made just for each other.

" awwww, Nono is blushing"

" shut up, lets just go"


Touch me when the sun goes down
Touch me after midnight
I like it better after midnight
- After Midnight, Wayv

too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now