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" oh hey Jaemin!"

" hi Nono!" Jaemin said with all the confidence in the world.

" so what did you wanna show- wait wtf" Jeno was interrupted by the latter placing his hand over his eyes.

" dont worry, you wont fall. This is a surprise so dont peek"

Jaemin carefully lead Jeno to the set up. He made sure that he wouldnt trip on anything, that would be horrible.

" ok, 3,2,1"

Jaemin removed his hands from Jenos face to let him see all the hard work he has been putting in for the past few days.

The pink hair male held his breath, he was worried that Jeno wouldnt like. But all his worries were chased away by the next few words the other said.


Jeno eyes scanned through the beautiful place setted up by Jaemin.

There was a red and white checkered picnic blacket with all of his favourite dishes on it. The whole set was topped off with a small vase of pretty flowers and some star shaped fairy lights. It was like the cherry on top.

" soooo, how you like it?" Jaemin asked softly, grinning from ear to ear.

" i love it!" was what Jeno said before attacking the bunny with a lovely hug.

Jaemin thought Haechans hugs were warmest and the coziest hugs could get. But he was proven wrong when Jeno hugged him.

Jaemin hugged back. Butterflies filling his stomach from Jenos gesture.

" what are we waiting for? Lets dig in!" Jeno yelled, sounding like a hyper toddler.

Seeing his love happy made him even happier, life couldnt get better.

After eating:

" im filled!" Jeno giggled.

" im glad you liked the food. Actually this wouldnt have happen if it wasnt for my friends help. So next time you see them, say thank you to them!"

" i would love to meet them one day, theyre really good cooks"

The couple chatted and admired the scenery until the sun was starting to set. It was quite cliche but the two couldnt give a care in the world.

" hey, its getting a bit late, i think we should go" Jeno said softly to fit the mood.

" youre right, but couldnt we stay a little longer, pweeasee" Jaemin replied, making puppy eyes.

" alright fine" Jeno couldnt just say no to the cutest person in the world.

There was comfortable silence until curiosity got to Jeno.

" today was an amazing day and i cant believe you put in all this work just for me. But i was wondering why so suddenly? Was there a special occasion?"

" so you mean i cant make special surprises for my little baby puppy?" Jaemin replied, winking flirtingly at the latter while tapping his chin.

" ummm... i- i dont know" Jeno stuttered as he blushed a pastel pink. The panic gay got to him.

" well if you really want to know the answer..."

Suddenly Jaemin got up and took out something small from the pocket in his coat.

He got down on one knee in front of Jeno and recited what he had wanted to say to the love of his life.

" Jeno, i want to say i love you from the bottom of my heart" he began.

" i love your cute eye smile, your habits like making little sounds when youre confused and scrunching your nose when you find something cringy. I adore your soft personality which can also be bitchy at times, but i can dealth with."

" i literally love you and care for you so much words cant even explain... so Lee Jeno..."

Jaemin revealed the small item to be a ring. He didnt ask Jeno for his finger size so he just guessed, but right now that was the least of his worries.

" would you be my boyfriend?"

At this point, Jeno was in tears. He has never felt so heart warmed in his life before. Butterflies were filling his stomach and his heart was beating in his throat.


Tears of happiness were streaming down his face, Jaemins tears were also on the verge of coming out.

Jaemin carefully slot the ring through the latters finger, and luckily, it fit perfectly.

" wait a sec why buy a ring when we aint even getting married?"

" you dont like it?" Jaemin was a little sad.

" nuuuu, i love it! But flowers would be fine, you didnt have to spend so much money" Jeno was feeling guilty, he didnt like people spending money on him.

" this ring is actually a ring that represents my unconditional love and honesty to you, ill swear to be the best boyfriend on earth"

" anyways, when we get married, youll have two rings!" Jaemin said as he smiled cheekily.

" thats cool! Anyways, i love so much too. Jaemin youre literally the love of my life" Jeno replied with heart eyes.

After he finished the sentence, he attacked Jaemin with a light peck on the lips. But Jaemin grabbed his waist and continued the kiss. Both savoured the sweet taste and tingly sensation.

There was no lust in the kiss, just sweet, pure love shared between the two.


This took a while to write lol, anyways this book is gonna end soon.

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- Around You, Hyunjin of Loona

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