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( iconic rainbow hair )

" Jeno where the fuck are you?" Renjun yelled into the phone impatiently.

" im literally beside that tree we were under the last time we hung out!" the latter yelled back.

" how you expect me to remember, all the trees look the same!"

" well then its your shitty fault, you didnt pay-"

" wait, i think i see you!" Renjun shouted, cutting off Jeno.

Renjun dashed towards Jeno and hugged him from the back.

" oh there you are, finally dumb bitch" Jeno said mockingly, but secretly hiding the fact that he was happy to see his best friend.

" oh shut it, i know you love me" Renjun said as he rolled his eyes and let go of Jeno.

The two walked to a nearby bench and started chatting about the usual stuff.

" so what did you wanna tell that was so important that you had to meet up with me?" Renjun asked, getting straight to the point.

" well..." Jeno used his hand to cover the side of Renjuns ear and whispered,

" i finally lost my v card"

" omg really?!"

Jeno nodded back excitedly.

" literally finally! Took ya long enough"

" shut up you whore"

" zip it hoe"

" so anyways, was it with uhh, ummm, whats his name again?" Renjun continued.

" Ronjon you have the memory of a fucking goldfish. Its Jaemin!"

" dont need to shout, so was it with Jaemin?"

" yea"

" rate it outta ten" Renjun said, giving the other the lenny face.

" a billion, hes so fucking hot and i had the time of my life" Jeno replied. His facing was turning a slight pink from thinking about last night.

" cool, but not as good as my Sichengie"

" ugh here we go again, you talk about Sicheng hyung too much"

" well... whatever. All that matters is i love him"

The pair continued to do normal best friend stuff, chatting, teasing each other, getting into a fight and then making up in 2 seconds. The usual.

They were currently walking down the street, enjoying the cool breeze when Jeno saw someone familiar.

He saw his good friend, Moonbyul. But this time she was with someone else. She was with a blonde lady, slightly shorter that Moonbyul.

" hey Byuli!"

" hi Jeno!"

After falling for Yongsun, Moonbyul has completely gotten over Jeno. Not saying that she doesnt like him anymore, just that she wasnt hopelessly crushing on him anymore.

She hasnt comfessed to Yongsun yet because she felt it was way too fast. But day by day, they found out more about each other and now Yongsun and Moonbyul are inseparable.

" how are you doing, we havent hung out in a long time!" Jeno asked enthusiastically.

" im fine, how about you?"

" im doing great too"

The two realised that Yongsun and Renjun were getting awkward so they said their goodbyes and continued to go on their way.

" wasnt that the guy you were crushing on?"

" yea, but im over him, im currently  crushing on someone else"

" wow whos the lucky guy"

" youll find out soon, anyways shes a girl"

" ooooo"


Short random chapter lol.

Get away out of my face
더 다가오지 마 boy
슬퍼해도 난 울지 않아
- Siren, Sunmi

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