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A bored Jaemin laid in his bed, rolled up like burrito in his blankets. It has been raining alot these days so it has been quite cold. Jaemin is smart enough to not go out without a warm jacket. He hates getting sick, i mean doesnt everyone hate it?

Suddenly he got a text from none other than his Nono.

Nana, mind if i come over,
im soo bored.


I have food for you, is that fine?

As long as youre there

Anything will be fine ;)

Oh look whos flirting now ;))

Shut up double chin

Its a double smile :(

shared location

Ill be quick, seeyaa

Be careful Nono, its cold

Im not dumb, ill obviously wear a

If you say so, see you!❤

Jaemin let his phone fall on his chest, he visited Jeno before why was he so nervous. He placed his hand over his heart.

Danm its beating so fast,,, i mean of course its Nono.

He got up to start cleaning his place up, presentable was good enough for him.

Soon, he heard a knock on the door so he opened it to see a cute puppy holding a wet umbrella.

" Nono you must be so cold! Hurry come in"
Jaemin kinda panicked.

" no im fine, really" Jeno reassured, but let out a small sneeze which contradicted what he had just said.

Jaemin chuckled and helped the other close his umbrella. Once they were in, Jeno immediately asked,

" wheres the food"

" i was thinking of ordering it but i think it would be cool if i cooked for you" Jaemin said as he booped the latters nose.

" you can cook?" Jeno asked with his small eyes glistening with curiousity. To Jaemin it looked so fucking cute, he wanted to pinch his cheeks so bad but controlled himself.

" of course! You want Tteokbokki or Kimchi fried rice?"

" both, please!" Jeno gave his best puppy eyes, obviously the latter couldnt resist those eyes.

" fine, just for you. But we need to go shopping for the ingredients"

" then lets go!"

" ok ok calm down" Jaemin chuckled at the sight of an excited puppy.


too much coffee // nomin, jaenoWhere stories live. Discover now